Hakea House

It has been a very busy term of learning in Hakea House. A wide variety of activities, students learning, and of course a period of remote learning.
Year 7 and 9 students completed the NAPLAN testing, with results due in Term 4.
We’ve seen our Year 7 students explore new friendships at Year 7 Camp, in great numbers, and having experiences they will never forget.
The School Athletics Carnival gave further opportunities to shine and really come together as a House to support one and another. Our congratulations to all those who competed, and thanks to all who encouraged, supported, cheered, and organised on the day.
Unfortunately, due to this most recent period of remote learning, we have had to postpone the House Chorales competition, giving us even more time to build an outstanding choir.
Finally, we wanted to take the opportunity to thank all members of the Hakea Learning Community for their support during the remote learning period. We know that it is not an ideal situation for our learners, but we have the utmost belief that when we return to onsite learning, we will continue on to great success.
We hope that all our families enjoy the school holiday period, and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible onsite in Term 3 at some stage.
Mr Ferguson, Mr Elkington, Miss Lau, Mrs Hayes and Mrs Holt
Hakea House Leadership Team