Grevillea House

This term in Grevillea the Year 7s have continued to settle in to the school and we have focused on developing relationships as a group and with the school. Year 11s and 12s this week have worked to prepare themselves for assessments, a range of which are taking place this week.
As a House we have explored the values of the school and what it means to be a community, discovering different aspects of our community and how we can work to support, and be a part of this.
The athletics day saw many of our Grevillea students attend and compete and we came third! Well done, Grevillea competitors!
Many of our students have excelled during remote learning with students receiving many positive comments from teachers regarding how they are working, and engaging with lessons with cameras on! Well done to these students. It was wonderful to welcome our Year 11s and 12s back at school last Friday and throughout this week.
We have decided to support the Red Cross and will be raising money to support this charity across the end of this term and into Term 3. We look forward to supporting this worthwhile charity.
Emma Chatham
On behalf of the Grevillea House Leadership Team