Fern House

Congratulations to the Fern students on their response and engagement this term when once again being faced with the challenges of remote learning. Both attendance and engagement for our students has been positive. Well done particularly to the Year 11 and 12 students who came back to school earlier than others and got on with classes and assessments as they needed to.
We have continued to follow attendance of students throughout the term and acknowledge students that have consistently maintained high attendance, which is so critical to success at school.
We have also been acknowledging students that have received green chronicle entries in Compass this term for their positive behaviours and contributions. Each student has a certificate created that goes up in the House for the week and the students receive at the end of the week. Well done to those students that have been acknowledged in this manner.
Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the students from Fern House that represented the House and participated in events at the Whole School Athletics day on Tuesday 18th May. Fern House came second overall, which is very pleasing. A great effort from all the students that were willing to have a go at running, throwing and jumping on the day.
Jeremy Penhale
Fern House Leader