Our second IBDP cohort begins

Our Year 11 students have begun their two-year journey as the College’s second IBDP cohort. The group of 22 students participated in their Castravaganza Day, engaging in a range of orientation activities organised by Mrs Lister (CAS Coordinator) to focus on the core elements of creativity, activity and service (CAS).


Students began the day with an activity challenge – a run up to Explorer Park to promote physical activity as an avenue of personal challenge. The importance of reflection was further unpacked with the meaningful identification of the role each group member can bring to strengthen the IB team.


Students returned to school and completed the Clifton’s Strengths assessment to identify their top five motivating attributes and unpack how these personal qualities can be utilised throughout the IBDP and beyond. A walk up to Charles Sturt University followed with lunch and a brief tour of the campus. Mrs Mikelans (Head of Library Services) introduced the students to the CSU library staff and the students were shown how to make the most of their access to the facilities and resources when conducting research, a key aspect of the IBDP.


The afternoon team challenge focused on creativity and service, with students working in groups to plan, shop, cook and serve a three course meal to a group of special guests, their teachers! With expert tips from Mr Sarantakos, the meal was a tasty success.  During the evening we heard from guest presenter, Dr Timothy Bemand, an intensive care doctor from Wagga Base Hospital and IBDP graduate. Dr Bemand shared his experience of completing the IBDP at St Andrew’s Cathedral School and how the IBDP, particularly CAS, shaped his personal and professional journey. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight while washing up the dishes. 


A sincere thank you to Dr Bemand and all of the teachers who attended the evening and assisted throughout the day, and well done to our IBDP students – already revealing their commitment and capacity to face a challenge. 


On Wednesday 3rd March we will be hosting an IBDP Parent Information evening for Year 11 families. This will be an online event starting at 6pm. This evening will provide essential information for students and their parents regarding assessment and other requirements for success in the IBDP. The meeting link and further information will be emailed to parents in the coming days. I look forward to meeting with you all next week.









Patricia Humble

| Head of International Baccalaureate