It has been an extremely busy start to 2021. Over the past four weeks, students and staff have engaged in a wide variety of events designed to deepen their knowledge of a subject or pursue a sporting or extra-curricular interest. These activities range from representative sporting activities, livestock shows, Elevate study sessions, Castravaganza, gala days and much more. It is fantastic to see that our staff and students continue to engage in extra-curricular activities that take them out into our community. 


It has also been fantastic to see that students continue to improve the way in which the present themselves in their uniforms. I would encourage each and every student to ensure that they come to and from school with all appropriate garments for the day, with their top buttons done up and with their shirts tucked in.


House Mentor Groups

Each week, House Mentor groups have a catch up in the morning. During these sessions, students have been focused on completing activities around organization, gratitude, fun and fitness. These activities, though short, are intended to ensure that our students have the chance to experience learning opportunities designed to target and grow specific skills related to improving wellbeing. These activities focus on both the mental and physical fitness of students across all age groups. Heads of House have been working diligently to design activities that are not only engaging for students, but that also challenge students to think more deeply about wellbeing.


I would encourage you to ask your child about these activities and to discuss their reflections on their experiences. It is vital for us to work in partnership to continue to build a strong sense of community around the house systems while also developing our understanding of wellbeing. 


Every two weeks, the house teams have a chance to build house culture as a whole house. This means that all students from a particular house come together to celebrate their house. Last week, students engaged in their first whole house activity. Some houses competed against each other while others spent time getting to know one another. These sessions will continue to play a vital role in strengthening our sense of community, within individual houses and as a whole school community.


Wellbeing Framework Update

The Leaders of Wellbeing team, along with myself and Sarah Lehman, is meeting regularly to discuss ways that we can continue to improve these outcomes for students. We are committed to developing a consistent K-12 Wellbeing framework that is research based and contextually relevant to the College. To that end, we have begun the process of implementing proactive approaches to assisting students and parents. We are also looking to further strengthen the communication around opportunities to engage in discussions around wellbeing at the College. Please continue to keep an eye out for these opportunities.


Looking forward

The next major house event on the calendar is the Swimming Carnival. I am very much looking forward to my first carnival at the college. I am especially looking forward to seeing students compete in a fun and friendly way while doing their best to represent their house. 


It has been an exceptional start to the year at the College, and I continue to look forward to the events that are to come as the term and year progresses. If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact their House Mentor or their Head of House.








Christopher Ingold | Head of Secondary School