Gathered By God

Church is the gathering of God’s people together and learning about church is a key part of the College’s Christian Studies curriculum. Year 9 students are once again participating in a church visit assessment task this term, where they can experience the gathering of God’s people and reflect on their visit. The task not due until early Term 2, which allows for greater flexibility for students to attend a service either during term or over the Easter holidays.


The task is not designed to indenture students to a local church, but is an opportunity for them to consider how the patterns and principles of the gathering of Christians in the New Testament have matriculated into contemporary church practice. In class, Year 9 are exploring the reasons why Christians are encouraged to gather in fellowship together and what their gatherings should entail. As such, the church visit is an opportunity to experience these values played out in active worship.


If your child regularly attends a service with your family then this would be a great opportunity to encourage them to bring some friends with them to complete the task together. If your child is looking for a service to attend then I would encourage them to consider visiting St. Paul’s Anglican Church’s evening service at 5pm on a Sunday. More details can be found here.


It is my prayer that this task will further serve collegial relationships amongst the Christian community of Wagga and beyond. Indeed, this is the basis of church; to be gathered because of and by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.








Gareth Tyndall | College Chaplain