Religion and Parish News



Let everything I do this day and in this season of Lent come from you, be inspired by you. 

Help me to remember that nothing is important in my life unless it glorifies you in some way. 

It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day of my life and keep saying, "Tomorrow, I will spend more time in prayer," 

but now my longing meets your love and I want to do it now. 

Help me to rely on you for help. 

Heal me, Lord, and help me to find you in the darkness of my life. Let me reach out in this darkness and feel your hand and love there to guide me. 


2021 Sacramental Dates:

Confirmation - 9am, Sunday 20th June, 2021

First Eucharist - 8:30am, Sunday 6th June, 2021

First Reconciliation - 6pm, Thursday 9th September, 2021

Important Upcoming Dates

Across this term, Primary Classes will be attending 9:15am Parish Mass at St Joseph’s Church. Parents are welcome to attend, but must still book in by calling the Presbytery Secretary on 6742 0200 at least a day prior to the Mass. Catholic students in Primary classes will also be attending Reconciliation during Lent. Please see the schedule below. 

Thursday 4th March - Year 4 Mass (9:15am) + Year 3 Reconciliation (11:45am)

Thursday 11th March - Year 5 Mass (9:15am) + Reconciliation (11:45am)

Thursday 18th March - Year 3 Mass (9:15am) + Year 4 Reconciliation (11:45am)

Almsgiving During Lent + Project Compassion

We are starting to hold almsgiving events at school to raise money for Project Compassion. Each week, students have been watching videos focussing on different people who have benefited from Caritas’ help throughout 2020, and recognise that every little bit of money that we can raise will help. 

This week, Infants classes organised Crazy Sock Day.  Next week, the Stage 2 classes have prepared another fundraising event. Stay tuned to hear all about it!

Parish News

Here’s a link to the latest Parish Bulletin