From the Junior School

Mr Tim Mahon with School Captains Hugh and Katherine and the JS Leaders

The Junior School Learning Community


Throughout the year it has been a pleasure to see the Junior School students fully engaged with their learning. This is clearly evident in each lesson, with students actively involved with their learning tasks, asking questions and seeking feedback to enhance their learning.

It is clear that the Junior School students are thriving in a supportive and nurturing learning community which emphasizes strong relationships and kindness. The explicit teaching of fundamental concepts in meaningful contexts is ensuring that all students are engaged and challenged. Students feel safe to take risks and are supported in order to enhance their learning.


It has also been wonderful to see the students embrace the Junior School Expectations which are: 

  • Always be kind
  • Be open to learning
  • Respect everyone and everything
  • Do the right thing, in the right place, at the right time.

These are positive statements focussed on learning and building relationships. The Junior School Expectations are displayed in each learning space and are age appropriately adapted for the students. They provide a clear solid foundation that reflect the positive conduct of all members of the Junior School in and outside of the classroom. 


Junior School Assemblies


Regular assemblies based on themes and virtues are a cornerstone of the Junior School Week. These themes and virtues are clearly part of the Huntingtower culture through word and action in and out of the classroom.


The Huntingtower School Captains, Hugh Perry and Katherine Culbert, have also been part of the assemblies. They have spoken eloquently about the virtues and what they mean to them. Hugh and Katherine have handed out awards and are getting to know the all the students, which has been very exciting.

Katherine Culbert and Hugh Perry with the Foundation Class
Katherine Culbert and Hugh Perry with the Foundation Class


SDSSA Swimming and Round Robin Victories


Throughout Term 1 the students participated in SDSSA Swimming and Round Robin events. The commitment and sportsmanship shown by all of the students was very evident and Huntingtower was successfully awarded the overall first place prize in both events, an amazing effort!





Junior School String Orchestra


Music is a significant part of the life at Huntingtower. It was very pleasing to see students taking part in the Junior School String Orchestra rehearsals again, enjoying the practice, improving their skills and developing the friendships in this ensemble. All the music is available on Firefly to enable students to practise their parts.