First Reconciliation

Our parish and school celebration of First Reconciliation is fast approaching. As well as being a focus in the Year 3/4 classrooms, activities have been being sent home for families to complete together and next Thursday we will be having an optional Family Night via Google Meet, more information to come next week.


Tomorrow the students will celebrate Mass with Fr Raju, in the Hall. This Mass will be an opportunity for the students to make a commitment to their preparation for First Reconciliation. Only staff and students can attend as per our COVID Safe Plan.


Families have also been asked to call the School Office (9569 8966) to nominate their families preferred time for the celebration of First Reconciliation: 6pm or 7:30pm on Wednesday 24th March. Each family group will be limited to four people (counting everyone over the age of 12months) and including the candidate. So 3 people and the Year 3/4 child. We understand the difficulty this may cause for some families but there are limited numbers allowed in the Church.


As always please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions and I am ever grateful for your support.


Jo Cowan (Religious Education Leader)