
From Alice, Parent 


Ride2School Day is on Friday 19 March! 


Let's ALL walk, scoot or ride to school on the day. Better yet, let's get some practise in over the next couple of weeks. There are plenty of bike racks at school for scooters and bikes for you to secure your possessions.  Walking is even easier; no equipment required and no hassles with finding a car park.


We will have gate prizes and 'give-aways' for students who decorate their bike or scooter or add some bling to their shoes or socks. 

Parent Volunteers 

Calling for parent volunteers to lead groups to school along our marked NMPS active routes through North Melbourne on Ride2School Day. Email Joy if you can help out on the day at leecass@iinet.net.auç


If you usually drive to school, please drive part way and walk the rest to join in the fun.


Better yet make Friday 19th the day your family walks, scoots or rides to school instead.