Assistant Principal News

It is hard to believe that we are already more than half way through the term! The College continues to be a hive of activity, where students and teachers alike focus on their learning, sporting pursuits and social justice activities.


Our Year 11 Wellbeing Committee has started to meet and formulate their strategic direction for the year. They have communicated with the students at a College assembly and have demonstrated both a passion and determination to destigmatise the mental and social issues faced by young people. Combined with the active pursuit of awareness regarding Caritas and stewardship initiatives with the school the student body is clearly demonstrating the Marian ethos of Care, Faith, Service and Stewardship.



Our senior student leaders attended their first Leadership session with Mr Le Brocque, the College Assistant Principals, Leader or Mission and Pastoral Leader last Monday evening. The students shared a meal together while focusing on the elements and process of personal and group leadership development . They also had the opportunity to work in their prefect areas to design their strategic direction for 2021. Their ideas and initiatives are inspiring and we look forward to supporting these dynamic young people in reaching their leadership goals.



This week our new members of staff participated in their first Gr8 walk for 2021. This is their first experience of the initiative, which focuses on opening up classrooms to focus upon students learning, our College Teaching and Learning Cycle and the enhancement of staff professional development. The classes involved were very excited to have visiting teachers return to the classrooms and it was exciting to be able to re-start the momentum of the Gr8 walk process after a year of limited walks due to COVID restrictions. 


Finally, Our CEDWW consultants visited the College last week to reflect upon our HSC results and to discuss our College Annual Improvement plan. Their positive and enthusiastic response to our Colleges strategic direction has validated our identified areas of strength and improvement. We look forward to our continued growth as a College community throughout 2021.


Yours in Learning,


Lora Segrave and Damien Herb

Co Assistant Principals