Community notices

Have your say: St Georges Rd median strip. A message from Fiona Richardson MP

Dear Parent/Guardian


Over the last few months, many residents and community leaders have raised serious concerns with my office regarding the proposal to permanently close median crossings along St George’s Road between Arthurton and Miller Street.


On the 4th of July last year, Darebin Council passed a motion calling for the permanent closure of these median strips, and also wrote to VicRoads seeking their support for this initiative.


Many residents and community leaders have expressed concern at the lack of consultation by our local Council on this significant proposal.


I have been in touch with VicRoads, who have informed me that consideration of permanent closure is currently underway.


I thought it was important to consult with the parents and carers of children at our local schools before any permanent decision is reached. I know all too well the chaos that can accompany the school drop off, and wanted to ensure that each and every parent and carer had their say on this important local issue.


Please complete the survey at the link below, and feel free to contact my office with any other concerns you may have.


All the best,

Fiona Richardson MP

Labor Member for Northcote

Merri Park works

Please find attached notification regarding upcoming works in Merri Park

Just Believe Fit

Pilates, Barre, Yoga and Mindfulness offered by a Northcote High School parent. Please see attached flyer for more details.

TeachingMe tutoring service