Staying safe on transport

Beware the Rhino (PTV)

Be safe around trams, trains and cars

Northcote High School is located in a high-density area, where peak times see thousands of students and commuters using the local trains, trams and roads. Unfortunately, we have recently become aware of some unsafe commuter behaviour from our students and parents. For the good of all of our community, please ensure that you are being considerate, using common sense and obeying road and transport safety laws when travelling to and from school. 

Some safety tips from Public Transport Victoria

Waiting for the tram

  • Always stand behind the line marking.
  • Do not lean against the safety railing at platform or roadside stops.
  • Never lean or walk out into the path of oncoming trams or traffic.
  • Please wait for passengers get off the tram before you board at any tram stop.

Around trains

  • When waiting for the train, always stand behind the yellow line on the platform.
  • Do not force the doors open or attempt to board when the train is leaving the platform.
  • Allow other passengers to step off the train before you board
  • Avoid running in and around the station, particularly when footpaths and platform surfaces are wet.
  • Only cross train tracks at designated pedestrian crossings. Crossing at non-marked areas is dangerous and illegal.
  • Rollerblading, skateboarding and bicycle riding is not permitted on the station platform.

Victorian Police Transit Safety Division officers and local police patrol trains and pay regular visits to all stations, and trains and stations are also monitored by security cameras.