International students extend themselves

International Student Debating team celebrates their success

Debate 2 success

After the 2nd debate event the International Student Team celebrated its success over an early pizza dinner as Pizza e Vino Restaurant on High St. on 3rd May.


The school’s International Student Debate program marks its 7th year this year. This great program is initiated and led by  Debate Program Coordinator Mr Martin Ramsay and the International Student Office. It is also the very first International Student Debate Team in the Victoria Government School Sector. This program proves to be a great co-curricular activity, which helps many participating international students to enhance their English language skills beyond classroom, particularly their confidence in applying English in research and presentation.  


This year, the International Student Debate Program has 26 enthusiastic students who have been busy training, researching and building their teams over lunch on Tuesdays, which resulted in a  great outcome at the 2nd round debate.      

International Student Forum

Three Northcote High School student representatives (Ngoc Diep Nguyen, Mariah Milla & Junting huang) attended the most anticipated annual International Student Forum held on 16th May at the State library. This year the theme of the forum was How the International Student Program Can be Enhanced to Share Cultures and to help develop Global Citizenship and Intercultural Capability In the School Community. Official speakers included Parliamentary Secretary Judith Graley and General Manager of International Division Joel Backwell.  

NHS representatives at the Forum
NHS representatives at the Forum
NHS representatives at the Forum
NHS representatives at the Forum

The forum allowed international and local students to share their stories and perspectives with each other. Diep proudly presented her group work on the stage in front of 300 student and teacher group. Mariah Milla, as a NHS local student representative, gave a quick speech to thank the forum organizer for bringing people together to share the wonderful day.


The International Student Program Director Ms Lixia Wang and Debate Program Coordinator Mr Martin Ramsay were invited to showcase to the forum of NHS’ International Debate program and Public Speaking Program, as it is regarded as good practice.


We are also very delighted to announce that Ngoc Diep Nguyen has been selected as one of the ten student representatives to attend the International Student Forum 2017 Post-Program Briefing on 31 May 2017, meeting with the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Education, as well as the Executive Director of International Education.


International Student Office