Art club spreads its wings

The 'Birds of Literature'

Introducing our new sculpture installation: 'Birds of Literature'

This semester we have been working on an art installation in the library. We were given a chance to choose a theme to work with and we collectively chose to depict the theme 'freedom of learning'.

We chose this theme for our installation because the library is a space of independent learning, it is a place that many year 9s-12s use to study for exams and work on personal things in free periods.


The art club decided that to use 'Birds Of Literature' to represent this theme would connect to the 'freedom' and the 'independence' that students represent in the John Cain Library. Each bird is connected to a novel/story. For example we have Hedwig the owl from Harry Potter, and the robin from The Secret Garden. To further link the theme/story to the birds, we decided to paper-mâché the exterior of the birds with pages from their original stories. All of these books were second hand books and had been slightly ruined or ripped so there was no wastage of a precious Harry Potter book! 

NHS Art Club
The installation
The installation
NHS Art Club
The installation
The installation

The birds in the display are:

  • Hedwig the owl from Harry Potter (by J.K Rowling)
  • The Robin from 'The Secret Garden' (by Frances Hodgson Burnett)
  • Swan from 'The Wild Swans' (Hans Christian Anderson)
  • Mockingbird from 'To Kill A Mockingbird' (by Harper lee)


The NHS Art Club:

Hannah Bayston - Leah Carr - Lucinda Costa - Gianna Garzarella - Pippi Hayman - Hannah Kelly - Katie Massey - Eva Massey - Roma Nolan - Charlie O'Brien - Ella O'Neil - Xalia Sheehan - Kisha Williams - Isabelle Zeevaarder - Ella O’Neil