Remote Learning Feedback Response from Term 2 Survey

Rapid Response Feedback Remote Learning Term 2

Thank you to all parents and students who helped us gather valuable feedback regarding our Term 2 Remote Learning experience. The information you provided has positively influenced the approach taken by the staff of SJV in this Term's Remote Learning. 

Online Tools

Overall, the online tools we are using were well received and we continue to use a range of online programs, such as Google Classroom and Seesaw to aid the learning of and communication with our students and families. In addition, after receiving feedback from families, students and staff, we are now engaging with a range of weekly Google Meet. These meets range from targeted teaching to social gatherings where the students have an opportunity to connect with their peers. 

Communication between home and school

In General the communication between home and school is received positively from all sides. We understand that communication between teacher and families is not always a one-size-fits-all approach and we encourage you to contact your child's teacher if you believe the communication method is not working for you. 

Feedback and learning 

Throughout online learning, giving feedback to students is where teacher and learning support officers spend most of their time. This pertinent and targeted feedback should be addressed by the students each week.

Positive experiences and challenges

Even though we are going through a difficult time as a community, our families identified a couple pretty strong positives. They identified that being part of their child's learning and watching their achievements closely were a positive experience which many had not had before. Also identified as positives were, spending more time with the family and 'less rushing'. 

Final words 

Thank you again for all the parents, students and staff who filled out the survey. We hope that our current Remote Learning experience has been positively influenced by the first experience back in Term 2. Please, continue to communicate and celebrate. 


Kind Regards, 


Ru Lameijn 

(Family Engagement Leader)