Chaplain’s Spot

Greetings everyone!

As I was considering what the theme needs to be this week, I asked some of those on my Chaplaincy team. The quotes below relate to one response - KEEP GOING. Winston Churchill knew all about that. He had a lot to deal with in his lifetime. Also, the other quote reflects how we sometimes deal with tough times such as the COVID-19 lock-down. 


Perhaps the Minions image is another way of looking at this first point. Keep going. It will not always be like this. The glass is refillable. Look for ways to refill, with activities that are good for you. One important way is in the following response. 


The second response related to the importance of connection, of keeping in touch with others. Thankfully there are lots of ways to stay connected, whether from afar - on one of the many online sites, phone call, or text, or in person - via appropriately distanced masked exercise! Let's show how much we value each other by connecting!  


I found these images on Google this morning. Perhaps your family could check out Google Images for inspirational quotes that encourage you. How about choosing your top three, and send them to me, so that I could encourage others with them as well. 


As usual, feel free to contact me via email, or phone me at school if you would like to 'download' about life's challenges at the moment. 



Stay safe and focussed. 

Alan Silverwood – Chaplain: Pastoral care for our school community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing. The Chaplaincy program is funded through Federal Government & Community support including; CCCVaT, Great Ryrie PS Council, local private and community donations. [