Clontarf Academy 

For obvious reasons, the first 7 weeks of term 2 in the Warrnambool Clontarf Academy looked vastly different, with the impact of COVID-19 affecting school life as we knew it. It’s been great getting the boys back to finish off a truly unique term together. Whilst our ability to run activities has been impacted, the back half of term allowed the boys to get back into a sense of normality and routine and take part in the following activities: 

  • Mock job interviews were held virtually this term, with senior boys being interviewed by some valued and national Clontarf Foundation partners, giving the boys a real-life taste of the job interview and application process.
  • Morning and after school training resumed, these training sessions are a staple of any Clontarf programme Australia-wide, with the main focus on enjoying the benefits of exercise and physical activity and encouraging healthy habits and discipline.
  • Workshops were held with Microsoft educating the boys about Word, PowerPoint, Excel and providing the opportunity to code a video game - a genuine highlight for the boys who participated.
  • VCAL/VCE boys attended homework ‘catch up’ sessions after school.
  • Boys continued packing wood at Warrnambool and District Food Share Inc.
  • Several boys commenced part time employment.

Clontarf staff were delighted that the majority of students returned to learning on site after the challenges associated with remote learning. A mix of junior and senior boys celebrated with a game of mini golf together enjoying each other’s company in an environment away from school. 

The overarching highlight was just having the boys back at school and seeing each other again in the Academy room and enjoying the positive moments and benefits that come with more time being spent face to face.