Assistant Principal's Report

School Wide Positive Behaviour

It has been really great to see our students following the COVID-19 Safety Matrix. Students are now comfortable with the routine of sanitising their hands upon entering and leaving classrooms. This practice will continue into the foreseeable future.


COVID-19 symptoms

Families are reminded that under current Health guidelines, any student exhibiting any symptoms of illness CANNOT come to school. If staff at Warrnambool College become aware of ill students, families will be notified to collect their student immediately. 

Please ensure all student absences are entered into Compass. VCE students may require a medical certificate if they are absent during assessments; assessments will be rescheduled upon the students return to school.


Reports on Compass

A reminder to families that reports are available on Compass. Attitude and Effort reports were uploaded on Friday 19th June while semester S and N reports will be available from Friday 26th June.



We would like to thank families that have supported the school in ensuring their student comes to school in the correct uniform. The recent arrival of the Warrnambool College puffer jackets has been warmly received. This new addition to our multiple uniform options ensures students are both warm and comfortable at school.

We request that families continue to support our school and ensure their students come to school in the correct uniform.



Jen Penn - Assistant Principal