Prep-2 Sector 



The Prep students have been having a marvellous time in Writing this term. They have been participating in language experience activities and writing about their adventures. We have had a great time chasing bubbles on the playground, playing games with balloons and making our favourite foods out of playdough. During these sessions students follow a ‘Think, Talk, Draw, Write’ process. They enjoy talking to their peers about their experiences and especially enjoy drawing about the fun they had. 

Leonardo from Prep B really enjoyed playing with the balloons.

Eva from Prep B loved drawing about our fun activity.

Prep B having a great time playing with the balloons in the classroom and chasing bubbles on the playground. 


We have also been having fun learning all about rhyming words. Students have enjoyed sorting rhyming words and coming up with other words that rhyme with the pictures.


In Maths the Preps have started learning about measurement. Students have had fun participating in many hands-on activities where they have been measuring objects around the classroom using informal units. Some of our favourite informal units were mushrooms and ladybugs. We especially like using unifix cubes to measure objects.

That’s all from us! We can’t wait to share more learning with you very soon.






The Prep Team

Year 1

This term in year 1, we have been learning about the past and the present during our play-based lessons. 


We have been exploring the similarities and differences in school life from the past, to school life now. We were even lucky enough to have an incursion where we were able to learn more about the past including how they dressed, things they played with and different forms of technology. 


It was interesting to see the old phones and typewriters that were used. We even got to practice writing on chalk boards and played knucklebones. 

We have been learning some games that were played in the past including hop scotch, elastics and ‘Ngaka Ngaka’ which is an Indigenous game that was taught to children by the Indigenous community. 


The game ‘ngaka ngaka’, which is an aboriginal dialect from south western Victorian tribes, means ‘look look’. They come with two sets of small flat, hand painted stones, with aboriginal art symbols. 


Children have a set of painted stones each, that they use to try and get ‘three in a row’, the same concept as the traditional ‘naughts and crosses’ game. 


The students loved the colourful painted felt template, and also loved drawing and identifying the Aboriginal art symbols on their stones. Students were able to then take their stones to play at home or at school. 


'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers


Year 2

The Year 2 students have been busy bees so far this term! They have been mathematicians and learning about time and have begun their addition and subtraction unit. In Reading, they have learnt how to use visualising to assist them when reading and how this helps us to understand what we are reading. In Writing, they have continued to write letters, post cards and invitations and have started to learn about different types of poems. 

In Humanities, they have been learning about our local community and how technology has impacted our lives. We can’t wait to take the students on a community walk where they will learn about the important people in our local community. 

In Science, students have been learning about materials and why different objects are made from certain materials. It’s been great to see them analysing different objects and justifying their thinking.

We can’t wait to see more learning from our Year 2 students this term.


Thank you, 


The Year 2 Teachers

Yr 2 Team