Boarding News

Mr Jim Noble, Head of Boarding

As we near the end of the year, I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge some key people on the Marist Boarding Staff who will not be continuing in their roles in 2023. These staff members have made a significant contribution in their roles and I am personally very grateful to them for their service. I’d also like to acknowledge the families of these staff members who have provided great support to them over the years. The commitment required to work in boarding and run a dormitory is significant and requires the full support of the family.


Mr Ben Maddox has been a teacher at our school since 2003 and he has held down many roles including boarding supervisor, teacher of HPE, Coordinator of Outdoor Education, coach of the 1st XI cricket team, Senior Supervisor and most recently as the Boarding Coordinator of Fourviere Residence. Running Fourviere over the last four years has required Ben to guide many hundreds of Year 10 and 11 boarders with their academic, pastoral, spiritual and co-curricular pursuits. He has done this with great care and compassion. Ben will remain at the school as a teacher next year.


Mr Josh Mulligan is also taking some time out of boarding, following seven years of committed service to the residential life of the school. Josh has been coordinating Montagne Residence over the last five years where he has positively influenced many Year 8 and 9 boarders as they work their way through the middle schooling years. He initially joined the school as a teacher in 2009 and has made a very valuable contribution across many areas including classroom teaching, coaching of sport, as Assistant Head of Boarding last year and significantly as the Montagne Boarding Coordinator. Josh will also remain a teacher at Marist in 2023.


Mr Tim Sedgwick joined the school in 2016 as the Head of HPE and his wife Camilla was also employed by Marist as a classroom teacher soon after in 2018. Tim and Camilla have contributed to many areas of College life including the co-curricular program, but they have also been a big part of the boarding program. Over the last two years, they have filled the vital role of House Parents in La Valla Residence where they take care of our newest and youngest boarders. They have shown great dedication in this role and have supported many boys to find their feet and flourish at Marist. We congratulate Tim on his appointment as Assistant Head of Boarding at St Ignatius Riverview in Sydney and we wish him and his family well with their new adventure.


On behalf of all the boys and families who’ve been helped by these staff members over the years, I’d like to thank them and publicly acknowledge their contribution …. particularly in our boarding community.

Marist Mothers Christmas Lunch

Sunday Night Mass

Boarding Rec - Mr Blair Whitlock

It’s been a scorching weekend in Brisbane and we’ve certainly made the most of the warm weather! Friday kicked off with a whole boarding BBQ by the grandstand before a few games of touch footy and bin cricket. Later in the evening, we headed over to Boondall for our customary end-of-term ice skating trip with several other boarding schools in attendance. Ice skating is always a hit and some of the boys are pretty handy at it now!


Saturday saw plenty of boys heading out to club sports while another group biked along the creek to the Blue Nurses. After lunch, the Year 10 and 11 boys jumped on the bus as we headed up to Kings Beach for a twilight BBQ. It was a cracking afternoon as the boys headed out for a swim, surf, boogie board and a big game of cricket. Meanwhile, a group of the younger lads headed out to Tingalpa for a two-hour session at the Bounce trampoline park. It was a quiet bus trip home after two hours of flying around the park which lead to a relaxed evening in the dorms!


Sunday saw 45 boys head down to the Gold Coast for a day at Wet'n'Wild. You can’t beat a day at Wet'n'Wild and many of the boys had sisters, cousins and friends there with the majority of boarding schools in attendance. It was another great day and the perfect way to round off another busy weekend of Rec. The boy’s behaviour on weekend Rec has been fantastic throughout the term and we regularly receive positive feedback from other schools and suppliers which has been great to see. Well done boys – one weekend to go!