Race Around Melbourne

Nico Bakker & Gwynn Handicott

On the 4th of November the seniors went on their 2nd R.A.M. All groups participated in a race including a series of clues to reach your destinations. 

The groups were made with a variety of year levels and diversity to make sure all participants were working with people they weren’t necessarily close with. An adult or teacher was also always there to ensure the safety of the children and to provide clues and general knowledge of the city.

At 11.30am to 12.30pm we all met at state library and had a twenty minute break between tasks. Everything went great. The first group to arrive at school was the Funny Bunnies who  arrived at 1.10pm and received 3 extra points. The first group to arrive at State Library also received extra points and groups who got to the Melbourne Central clock at an exact hour time received 1 point.

Going on this adventure meant a lot to the seniors seeing as all of the grade 6s it is our last year here. We would like to thank every parent and teacher who participated and made this day possible. Without your help we couldn’t have done this. In conclusion it was a fun day out for everyone!