School News

General Info

  • Force Blue runs each Friday from Period 4, through to the end of lunchtime (selected students).
  • Make It Happen (Homework catch-up) runs from 1:00-1:30pm each lunchtime in N5.
  • Drawing Club runs every Friday lunchtime from 1pm in N3.
  • Guitar Club runs each Friday in G8. Please see Mr. McClure if you are interested.
  • Breakfast Club is on every Wednesday morning from 8:30am in the Student Centre.
  • After school basketball, run by the local police, is on each Thursday between 3:30pm and 5:00pm in the Gym.
  • All students are expected to wear full school uniform unless a note is provided from a parent or guardian explaining the circumstances.
  • A reminder that no hats/beanies are to be worn inside and only school hats/beanies are to be worn at school.
  • For health and safety reasons, it is a school requirement that hair past shoulder length is to be tied up. Please do not wait to be asked to do so.
  • If you need more Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT), they are available for collection from the School Office.


Donations Please


Throughout Term 4, Campbell Corbett and Tori Talbett are gathering pet food for animals in need. Donations will go to the Ballarat Animal Shelter. There will be a box placed in each Form room for you to place your donations in. All types of pre-packaged pet food for dogs and cats is acceptable, including cans and bags. We will also accept zip-lock bags filled with pet food from home. 



BSC would appreciate donations of old fish tanks for the school Science department as we are currently in short supply. Any size will do and donations can be left at the front office. 




Assistance Required

VCAL student Ethan Keenan is undertaking a project to boost Beaufort and surrounds' blood donations with Australian Red Cross Lifeblood. Participants will be required to register with Australian Red Cross Lifeblood and join the Beaufort Secondary College team. Then it's as simple as making an appointment to donate! If you are interested in helping Ethan reach his goal, please read on for further information.

Who can donate blood? Anyone who weighs more than 50kg, is in good health and who is aged between 18 and 75.

Why donate blood? A new blood donor is needed every 4 minutes and according to Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Australia has just two day’s supply.

Where can I donate? You can donate at any donor clinic and the only cost is a small amount of your time. The nearest clinic is Ballarat Donor Centre, located at 601/603 La Trobe St, Ballarat Central Vic 3305.

Join our team!

Go to for step-by-step assistance OR

Go to and if not already registered, register your details, then select the ‘Teams’ tab, select 'My Team' and search for ‘Beaufort Secondary College’. Select 'Beaufort Secondary College' and then make an appointment. For those of you who have signed up to be a donor please remember to make a booking.

One donation can save three lives!


2023 School Captains

Last week, students who applied for the positions of School Captain or Sports Captain delivered their speeches during School Assembly, each listing the qualities they would bring to the role and the potential changes they would make if elected. Among the candidates capabilities', were some imaginative and interesting ideas for improvements to the school and possibilities for the future. 

Some of the ideas on offer were; planting more trees between G Block and the Student Centre to better establish our green space, conducting more House Sporting initiatives (with a wider variety of sports) and sprucing up our House Swimming and Athletics days to encourage better involvement.


The 2023 School Captains will be announced in the coming weeks. Best of luck to all entrants.


Rememberance Day

On Friday we held a Rememberance Day Ceremony to honour our fallen soldiers and those who served in our armed forces alongside them. Our potential 2023 Student Leaders delivered speeches, relating what the day means for them and paying their respects on behalf of our School Community. We would like to commend all students on their superb behaviour throughout the ceremony.


Special thanks to Year 9 student Savanna Elliott for the photos

School Canteen Closures

Please note that the canteen will be closed on the following date;

  • Thursday 1st December

The last day of operation for the canteen for 2022 will be Friday 16th December




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