Senior School

Years 10 and 11








Term 4 signifies the business end of the year with Years 10 and 11 students preparing for their final examinations and handing in final assessments, and the anticipation of transition into Year 11 or 12 is building. This term has been challenging for our Year 10 and 11 students; however, it has been rewarding to see our students rise to the occasion. 


To the students who felt they could have prepared better, learn from this and work even harder as you leap forward to the coming year. To the students who worked hard and may not have gotten the grades they were hoping for, remember that these examination results do not define you, yet are a necessary part of schooling. To the students that got the grade they worked so hard to attain, well done, enjoy the benefits of all your hard work but remember, the job is not over yet. For some, your VCE journey begins during transition, for others, your VCE journey is nearing its end with essentially only three terms of teaching and learning remaining. 


While the year is nearly over, I encourage our students to take time to reflect on the year that has been. What have you learnt? Were there situations or times that you could have handled things differently? What were your highlights and achievements? Who are the people you are grateful to for helping you get there? Upon reflection, it is advised that our students then begin planning for the next phase of their journey at Oakleigh Grammar. Some will be leaders with a badge to their name, some will be leaders without a badge to their name. Regardless of the scenario, understand what it is that you want to achieve next year and put in place an action plan to successfully complete these. 


Manoj Patel

Years 10 & 11 Coordinator