Faculty news



When we lose someone or something important to us, we experience grief. The emotional pain of grief can be overwhelming and the emotions experienced can range from shock, anger, sadness, despair, denial, loneliness, emptiness and guilt. Grief is different for each person and there is no time frame. 

Things that may assist with coping with grief include:

  • Rituals and preserving memories.
  • Accepting your emotions.
  • Talking about it when you can.
  • Prioritising your physical and emotional health.
  • Getting the support you need.

The Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement provides great services with bereavement support and fact sheets including:

  • Grief, anniversaries and significant events.
  • Supporting someone who is grieving.
  • About grief.
  • Children and grief.
  • Adolescents and grief.

For further information please refer to the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement 253 Wellington Road Mulgrave VIC 3170 03 9265-2100 https://www.grief.org.au


Sue Bassett

Student Counsellor









Years 9 to 11 Careers Immersion Excursion!

Applications have been extended and close Monday 21 November 2022 so, if you would like to join me for this exclusive opportunity, please apply now via email MMascaro@oakleighgrammar.vic.edu.au stating 

1. Your Name 

2. Your Career Interest/s 

3. Why you should be chosen to participate in this excursion.  


The 10 successful applicants will be notified 22 November 2022. 


2023 VCE Summer School Programs

Access Education Summer School

Dates:  Monday 16 to Friday 20 January 2023 

Venue: Interactive, Live-Streamed Online 2-hour Lectures

Visit Access Education Summer School to find out more or download a program brochure.


The School for Excellence Summer School

Dates:  Monday 9 to Thursday 19 January 2023 

Venue: The University of Melbourne (Parkville)

Visit TSFX Summer School to find out more about the 2023 program.


Accessing VCE Results and ATAR’s

VCE study scores, ATAR and VTAC Scaled Study Scores will be available to students via the Results and ATAR website and the Results and ATAR app on Monday 12 December 2022 7.00am.  Students will receive a Statement of VCE study scores from the VCAA, and those who applied for courses through VTAC this year and have paid their VTAC processing fees, will be sent an ATAR Statement in the mail.  


Students who wish to receive their results online will need to register at Results and ATAR before results are released. Note: To register, students need their VCAA student number and will be requested to choose a secure password on registering.  

So, register NOW!


Pathways to ACU Webinar

Learn about the entry pathways to ACU, including diplomas, that can give you access straight into the second year of your preferred bachelor’s degree.

Date: Thursday 8 December 2022 

Time: 12.00pm – 1.00pm AEST

Register at Pathways to ACU Webinar 


ACU Essential for Parents Webinar

Choosing what and where to study is heavy going.  This webinar will lighten the load for you and your student. You’ll learn about our student support services, admissions process, and work-integrated learning options.  

Date: Thursday 8 December 2022 

Time: 6.00pm – 7.00pm AEST

Register at ACU Essential for Parents Webinar 


Michelle Mascaro

Careers Advisor










Certificate of Attainment in Greek

During Term 2, select Oakleigh Grammar students had the opportunity to partake in the examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek or Ellinomatheia.  It is the only certificate of proficiency in the Greek language that is offered and recognised by the Greek state.  It was established in 1998 by the Greek Ministry of Education in order to meet the demands of learners of Greek in Greece and abroad.  Students were tested on listening, reading, writing and speaking. 


The students who successfully completed the Certificate of Attainment in Greek for 2022 are:

Year 8

Nathanael Anastasiou

Year 9

Mattea Georges 

Eleni Koutsantonis 

Mary Alexopoulos 

Helen Kousourakis 

Sotirios Andrikopoulos 

Year 10

Vasileios Delichristos 

Sotiris Bakalis 

Emmanuela Moroz 


2022 Australian Student Competition

More than 70 Oakleigh Grammar students from Years 5 to 10 participated in the 2022 Australian Student Competition organised by the Australian-Hellenic Memorial Foundation. The aim of the competition is to explore the Australian and Greek involvement in Greece during both World Wars. Congratulations to the following students:

Adrianna Milonas, Year 4 – 1st, Years 4-6 category 

Alexandra Hatzipanagiotou, Year 5 – Encouragement Award, Years 4-6 category

Dimitra Ballis, Year 8 – 3rd, Years 7-8 category 

Tziovannis Konstantinidis, Year 8 – Encouragement Award, Years 8-9 category

Rajveer Singh, Year 10 – 3rd, Years 10-12 category.


10th Student Film Festival 

A group of Year 9 students participated in the 10th Student Film Festival, presented by the Greek Film Festival, Greek Community of Melbourne, Education Office of the Consulate General of Greece in Melbourne, Department of Education and Training, and the Modern Greek Teacher’s Association of Victoria. This competition offers students the opportunity to use the Greek Language in creative and innovative ways, whilst simultaneously encouraging the maintenance of Greek culture. The topic for this year’s competition was: ‘Returning.’  


Students created their film interpreting the topic in a very smart way. The title of the short film was ‘Memories from School’. The judges were very impressed with the film and awarded our students 2ndplace in the Secondary School category! 

You can view the film here.


Award-winning Year 9 filmmakers:

Nikki Ballis

Natasha Kaniadakis

Mary Alexopoulos

Sotirios Andrikopoulos

Helen Kousourakis

Veronica Micallef

Poppy Palaskas

Stephanie Kakaras

Kristina Pezos


Congratulations to all students for their outstanding achievements!

Natasha Spanos 

VCE Academic Leader LOTE 









2022 was a very productive year for Oakleigh Grammar.  Vice Captains, Middle School Leaders and SRC members worked together supporting our school community.  Throughout the year many different fundraisers were organised raising awareness and funds for different organisations. 


Students of Year 8 Orthodox Studies are in the process of working on the last fundraiser for 2022.  Christmas is a time to celebrate with family and friends whilst relaxing and enjoying the time of year.  Oakleigh Grammar is holding a Christmas Appeal for the Greek Welfare Centre from Monday 24 October to Friday 2 December.  


Students are collecting non-perishable foods for those in need in our community.  Oakleigh Grammar calls upon the community to demonstrate their good will and contribute as much as they are able.  Students in charge of the project will collect all donations during Home Group.  This is a very special time of the year and really important to help each other.  We appreciate your support. 


Natasha Spanos

SRC Coordinator

Language and Literacy 

Year 6 Campaign logos

Students chose a diverse range of topics to campaign for including child trafficking, air pollution, horseracing, the war in Ukraine, animal rights, gender equality and National Service. Well done Year 6!



This year we had 12 entries for the 2022 Science Talent Search. The STS is an annual science competition with students from across Victoria submitting entries. Each year the committee selects a topic that it feels is relevant, and that would be interesting for students to investigate. This year the topic was ‘Glass: More than meets the eye’. Students worked on their projects from March to August, with some students attending a judging day and orally presenting their investigations to the judges. 


Students and families spent many hours working on their projects and the results were fabulous! A big thank you to Mrs Ziagas for helping to judge entries from other schools. We are incredibly proud of all of our entries and are excited to announce the results for this year’s entrants! 


The certificates are in the mail and we will present them once they are received. Students who have achieved a Minor Bursary will also attend an online presentation for their official medal and prize.


Merit award winners: 

Year 5 – Steve S, Working model: Junkyard Crusher

Year 4 - Alexander M, Poster: Glass in Nature

Year 3 – Hunter G, Poster: See Through Sand

Evan M, Poster: Glass in Communication

Jason M, Poster: Glass Recycling


Distinction award winners: 

Year 4 – Arushman K, Poster: Glass Recycling

Christos B, Computer Programming: Cubey - Adventure for Glass

Year 3 – Ava S, Poster: Glass Recycling

Year 2 - Maria K, Poster: Glass in Communication

Nicholas V, Poster: Glass by Mother Nature  


Minor bursary winners:

Year 2 - Chaneli D, Posters: How does glass recycling help the world?

Year 3 - Xavier R, Creative writing: The Very Hungry Microbes


Congratulations again to all our entrants and I look forward to working with you again next year!


Ambre Borneman 

Year 3 Teacher


Orthodox Christian Studies 








At Oakleigh Grammar we make every effort to live out our motto Faith and Wisdom.


Our students have had various opportunities to take part in worship life and also to learn about the Orthodox Christian Faith both in and outside of the classroom.


In our Middle School, Year 6 students have been exploring monasticism, and Year 7 students have been dissecting the Divine Liturgy and understanding the various parts of the service even making prosphoron. Our Year 8 students have been exploring the 7 Mysteries of the Orthodox Church, and our Year 9 students have explored, discussed and debated the age-old debate of Faith and Science.


It has been fantastic to see our students chanting and participating in services particularly for our Feast Day on 1 November. 


A gentle reminder that all our students are invited to attend choir practice at Sts Anargiri Church every Friday from 3.30 - 4.00pm. It presents a great opportunity for students to learn byzantine chant and be participants in the Liturgy, as well as preparing for our parish Christmas carols on Friday 23 December 2022. 


Here are some snaps of our faith life.


Dean Damatopoulos

Middle School Orthodox Studies