
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Learning & Teaching

Dear Parents /Guardians,


As we enter the final weeks of Term, I wanted to alert you to a new initiative that will be occurring in 2023. In 2023, Academy will be moving to a new Learning Management System called Compass. 

Our decision to change Learning Management System was born of a desire to have a more adaptable and agile system that will support our whole community more effectively in the years to come. Compass is widely used throughout Victoria and we are very excited about introducing this system here at Academy in 2023. 


Compass allows parents and guardians the ability to access up to date and meaningful information about your daughter’s progress.  Compass includes many features that are currently available through our existing Parent Portal including: 

  • Monitoring your daughter’s attendance and enter explanations for absences and lateness;
  • Communicate with teachers;
  • View your daughter’s timetable and the school calendar
  • View assessment tasks 
  • Book parent teacher conferences

Compass is a web-based system that is accessible through the web browser or by using the ‘Compass School Manager app’ available for iOS or Android. 

For parents and guardians, this new system will not be too dissimilar to the Parent Portal that is currently in use.  Rest assured, however, that training will be available for you at the start of 2023 so that you can best utilize this system. 

The change to this system requires considerable set up, so we plan to roll out different elements of the system over the course of Semester 1, 2023.  We look forward to working with you and will send out further details in due course. 


Year 10 and Year 11 Exams

This week, both Year 10 and Year 11 students completed End of Year Examinations.  Congratulations to our students for their approach to these examinations.  Whatever the result, they are an invaluable learning experience for all.  Thank you too, to our staff for their work to prepare students, supervise and mark examinations at this busy time of year. 

While our students from Years 7 – 9 did not participate in examinations, their final weeks at the College are busy with end of semester assessments.  We trust that all students will finish off the year feeling proud of their efforts, looking forward to continuing their learning journey in 2023. 

Ms Fiona Lennon

Deputy Principal, Learning & Teaching