School News

School Values Awards 

Each week we present School Value Awards for students who have upheld or demonstrated one of our Pilgrim values: Belong, Explore, Flourish, Serve. The students are presented with their award at our weekly Worships.


Term 2, Week 9

Belong: Sofia

Explore: Keira

Flourish: Archer

Serve: Meha

Musical 'Right as Rain' 

This year's musical was based on a day in the life of Kobe, a student at Pilgrim School, and his experience of the different Zones of Regulation. It was great to see the students expressing the different emotions of each zone as the musical progressed. Of course, it was a fictional story as our Wellbeing Team reminded us that Kobe would have spent some time with them before making it through the day, but then we would not have had a musical! It was also a wonderful reminder of our need to trust in God and keep on hoping.

It was fantastic to see some of our students really flourish through the musical and others who would not normally choose to be in the spotlight have their moment to shine. 


Thanks to our Musical Director, Sue Matena, for her direction and oversight of this year's musical and to each of the staff for the significant contributions they made above and beyond their roles at the school. We also thank Lara Sarre for her work with some of the choreography and Ryan King for his time and technical knowledge of our sound requirements.

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

Each year we submit a renewed RAP to the Narragunnawali Council before being able to use it at the school. You can read our current RAP on our website. 

Casual Day 

The theme for today's casual day was come dressed as your favourite animal. The money raised will go towards Minton Farm, a volunteer organisation that provides rescue and care of injured and orphaned native animals.  

Enrolments for 2024 

If you know someone who is looking to enrol their child in Foundation for 2024 (either Term 1 or midyear), please encourage them to contact Kristen Heath on 8270 3033 or by email, We currently have 31 students enrolled to start Foundation next year and we are considering starting a waiting list for further enrolments. It would be important for families to complete an application for enrolment as soon as possible to secure a placement for 2024.


Volunteering at Pilgrim School 

Please don't forget that our new compulsory requirements for volunteering will take effect from the start of next term. Please click on this letter previously sent home if you have not yet completed the necessary process. 


We love having volunteers in a range of roles at both Pilgrim School and on Campus. If you have some available time, you may want to help in classrooms (eg listening to reading), become involved with our Learning Assistance Program (working regularly with a student or small group of students), sports coaching or managing, fundraising, helping in the Canteen or Library, or attending camps or excursions.


If you are currently, or are considering, volunteering at Pilgrim School, please read our updated Volunteers Guidelines and Code of Conduct.


Our highest priority is to ensure we maintain a safe environment at Pilgrim School for all children and members of our school community. All volunteers will need to register through our new online Volunteer Registration and Agreement form: 


As you will see, volunteers need to provide details of a current ‘Working with Children Check’ certificate, 'Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect - Education and Care' (RRHAN-EC) certificate and it is highly recommended they also complete online Protective Practices training. Details of accessing these trainings are included in the Volunteer Registration and Agreement Form and on our website.


Please continue to sign in and out through the Front Office each time you volunteer at Pilgrim School.