Around the Primary Classes

The Kinders complete a puzzle each morning and their skill at completing increasingly complex puzzles is growing by the week.
We focussed on Refugees this week. The girls know that people are forced to leave their homes and countries either by war, flood, drought or other natural disasters. We were also fortunate to have a visit from Sophie’s auntie Libby who lives in Japan. She came to talk to the girls today.
Kinder students returned from their Bush exploration on Monday afternoon wearing a very special bracelet they had made themselves. They each had a wide band of adhesive tape looped to their wrist with the sticky side out. Their challenge was to make a nature bracelet by collecting as many different specimens as possible from nature and sticking them on e.g: leaves, seed pods, lichen, flowers, etc.
As part of our Religion curriculum Preps went on an excursion to the Holy Spirit Catholic Church. We explored the features of the Church and discussed the purpose of each feature. Once the tour was over, the students wandered around the Church asking questions about areas of interest and completed their own drawings about the features they saw. The Preps had a great time on their excursion and enjoyed wondering and wandering about the Church.
Year 1 - Materials We Use
This term in Year 1 we have been investigating different materials; their characteristics, properties and uses. This integrated unit combined HaSS, Science, English, Design and Technology and Mathematics learning. We worked within the framework of four student-focussed learning intentions:
LI#1 - I can describe what a material is and I can name some common materials
LI#2 - I can observe, using my senses, and describe the characteristics of different materials
LI#3 - I can use new vocabulary (words) to describe materials and their properties.
LI#4 - I can suggest and/or choose appropriate materials for specific purposes based on their properties.
The Year 1 students started by looking closely at the different materials around the school and discussing their appropriateness for purpose, considering such things as strength, safety and longevity. They named and described the materials, and located them on a birds-eye map.
Then the girls chose an object from a 'Material Lucky Dip' made up of household items. Using their senses and new vocabulary, they describes the object and names the material/s it was made from. Then, working in teams, the objects were sorted in different ways.
Perhaps the highlight of our unit was the experiment to test the effect water had on different materials and the ensuing conversation around choosing appropriate materials for certain instances, when water would be involved.
We read the story The Most Magnificent Thing, by Ashley Spires, and watched the movie of the same name. In it, a creative, patient and persistent girl sets out to create something magnificent, using a plan and a variety of materials left out in her neighbourhood's hard-waste recycling. Although she has many setbacks, the girl achieves her goal and does create a magnificent and useful sidecar on her scooter for her beloved dog to ride in.
It has been wonderful to witness the Year 1 students engage with such enthusiasm in this unit, extending their learning into everyday conversations and different contexts.
Year 2
This term has been very busy for Year 2 , being immersed in many and varied rich learning experiences. The three excursions undertaken were a highlight. The students went to the TSO to 'meet the instruments' through familiar tunes including Bluey, Harry Potter and The Octonauts. We visited Father Shammi at Holy Spirit Church, and he showed us the signs and symbols that are an important part of the church. After our visit to Holy Spirit, the students are making a diorama of a church incorporating 3D objects to represent parts of the church such as a rectangular prism for the Altar.
Year 2 have been learning to identify significant landmarks and historical buildings around Hobart and on our last excursion we visited the Tasman Bridge and the Mount Nelson Signal Station. We have looked at the effects of change through the years and how people and places are interconnected. We viewed old photographs of the floating bridge, the construction and destruction of The Tasman Bridge, Government House and how transport systems have changed. We also learned about the importance of The Mount Nelson Signal station and how semaphores were used to transmit messages to ships at sea and we sent messages to each other.
Year 2 proudly led the first Early Years assembly for 2023. Since then we have learnt how to sing Happy Birthday in Japanese and this is a favourite feature of each assembly now.
Year 2 have also been learning about the relationship between the sun, the moon and Earth. They investigated the changes and patterns that can be seen in the sky and discussed why or how this happens.
In Health, posters were designed and created to communicate some of the important messages about being healthy. These are displayed in our classroom for people to see.
Year 3
As Term 2 draws to a close, students in Year 3 have reflected on what a fun, exciting and fulfilling time it has been. Some of their most notable experiences included watching Matilda the Musical performed by Fahan, attending an AFLW clinic at Queenborough Oval, wearing shorts to school for Shorts Day, participating in cross country and practising our number facts in around the world.
"I liked practising using 'because', 'but' and 'so' in sentences in English" - Amelie Perera
"I liked reading 'Our Race for Reconciliation' for our novel study in English" - Rose Murray.
"My favourite thing about Term 2 has been competing in the Inter-School Cross Country" - Ella Lagerewskij.
"My favourite thing has been learning about number families, addition and subtraction in Maths" - Madi Schenk.
"My favourite part has been going to watch Matilda because I love doing music and watching people perform is really fun." - Trixie Barclay
Year 4
This term, in Year 4, we have continued to develop and expand our ability to comprehend fiction texts, by studying the novel Seahorse by Bruce Pascoe.
We have examined the storyline, characters, events, settings and First Nations historical perspectives contained within the text.
We have enjoyed following along with the storyline of the mysterious man, who keeps appearing in the book. We have also been shocked to learn about the mistreatment of First Nations Australians during the time of British Settler colonisation.
Year 5
Year 5 classes have benefited from many collaborative learning opportunities this term. They have built ideal settlements, goldfield board games, scavenged for facts at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery and participated in leadership challenges. Collaborative learning opportunities build relationships, communication skills as well as critical thinking.
Year 6
Year 6 students have covered a lot this term. It has been a busy term full of learning, creating, guest speakers, Shorts Day and of course, lots of laughter!
- Earthquake Towers, now this was fun and challenging... The Year 6 students were asked to construct a model tower which would survive an earthquake using Mr Wierenga’s earthquake wobble board. The students were only given 20 pins, 30 straws, 100 paperclips and 2m of string to create their towers, they also had to be two stories and the structure had to be a minimum of 30cm tall. They had to work closely with their teams to prepare and construct the strongest towers. As a teaching team it was a pleasure to watch the students work collaboratively and use their imaginations to construct their towers.
- Guest speaker!! The Year 6 students were lucky enough to have Sarah Lovell, MLC for Labor come and talk to us about her role in Parliament as well as the workings of Parliament as part of our ‘Making a Nation’ learning block. Sarah ran through how to pass a bill in both levels of the Tasmanian Parliament. We are looking forward to viewing the outcome of the bill as well as meeting with Sarah again when we go to Parliament house for our excursion next term.
- Shorts Day!! Brrrr, it was freezing, but oh so fun. Miss Harper even rocked her pink donut shorts. The students participated in Shorts Day to “Brave the cold and brave the conversation.” Lots of discussions were had around the importance of checking in on your friends and looking after our own mental health.
- Mathematics! This term has been a fun learning block of Maths. The Year 6 students measured four rectangular items around the school, working out the area and perimeter. It was entirely up to the students to decide what to measure and what tools to use. We have also been learning about angles and the different types of angles we come across daily.
We are looking forward to Term 3 and the preparations around our Canberra Trip!