A Word from the Principal

Megan Richardson

As the chilly winds start to blow and snow settles on kunanyi / Mount Wellington, we find ourselves entering fully into the season of winter. Whilst we often associate this season with cold weather and inconvenience, shorter days and frosted windscreens; it's essential to remember that winter brings its own unique set of blessings and joys.  Winter can be a time of coming together; a time to rest, recuperate and prepare for the busier months ahead.  It can also be a time to focus on the seemingly insignificant things; a warm blanket, a snowflake, a hug or a hearty bowl of soup.  Somehow Winter reminds us to focus on the smallest details, to appreciate them and to cherish them.  


Some of the blessings of Winter for families may include:

1. A Wintery Nature:

Winter bestows upon us a picturesque landscape straight out of a postcard. Encourage your family to explore the outdoors and witness the breathtaking beauty of snow-covered landscapes, muddy tracks, and bare trees. Take family walks through local parks or enjoy winter beach walks together. Nature's winter palette offers a sense of tranquillity and serenity that can be truly magical.


2. Time together:

Winter presents the perfect opportunity for family moments. Settle in by the heater, engage in cards or board games, or read books together. Embrace the warmth of togetherness as you share stories, laughter, and create lasting memories. Encourage your family to appreciate the joy of being present with loved ones during these colder months.


4. Appreciating Wintery Delights:

Winter brings with it an array of seasonal treats and traditions. Indulge in hot chocolates with marshmallows, bake batches of cookies, or experiment with hearty soups and stews. Embrace the culinary wonders of the season, allowing your family to participate in the preparation and share in the joy of delicious winter-inspired meals.


5. Learning Opportunities:

Winter presents unique learning opportunities for children. Encourage them to investigate the science behind snowflakes, explore winter wildlife or track the seasonal changes into Spring.  Use this season as a chance to inspire curiosity, cultivate knowledge, and foster a love for learning.


As families and a College community, we play an essential role in shaping our children's perspectives and experiences. By embracing the blessings of winter, we can help our children develop a positive outlook and appreciate the wonders that each season brings.


‘As the rain and the snow

    come down from heaven,

and do not return to it

    without watering the earth

and making it bud and flourish’ 

Isaiah 55:10-11


Mid-Year Reports

On the last day of term our Mid-Year Reports will be released to families.  Please take time to share areas of strength and growth with your child/ren as well as setting goals for the remainder of the year. I would especially like to thank our dedicated staff for their additional work to ensure the reports are a comprehensive reflection of Semester 1 on top of an already full workload.

College Musical

This week our College Musical ‘There’s a Monster in my Closet’ opened for packed audiences.  A colourful and musical extravaganza, it is a fabulous showcase for the many artistic gifts across the school.  I would like to especially thank Mrs Hayley Stevens, Mr Dave McNamara, Mrs Jenna Magnus, Mrs Megan Marsden, Ms Imogen Gray, Mrs Alex Rodrick, Mrs Sophie Newland and Mr Gary Hoggard for their hard work, vision and commitment to ensure this professional production entertained audiences across the week.

Early Learning Centre

A reminder for families that our Early Learning Centre for 3 and 4 year old boys and girls will open in Term 4 this year.  Please contact the Office for an information and enrolment pack.  This Centre may be of particular interest for students entering Kindergarten in 2024.