School News

Room 2

In Room 2, we have been focusing on writing our information reports that are about mythical creatures that we have created. We have created them, using what we have been learning about in Science, to include facts about the animals diet, physical features and habitat. We have included behavioural and physical adaptations to suit the biome they live in and the types of food they eat. These animals include Clancy’s Bagnapper, which as Clancy describes it as a cute and cuddly creature. 


The Bagnapper is known to nip (steal) things from bags. Ivy has created the blinded feather-tail and described it as a very harmless creature. It is known to find its way with feathers on its hind legs, an adaptation to being 95% blind. Bea’s Sagnaterious has an iridescent shell to intimidate prey. As a carnivore, the Sagnaterious has pointy teeth for injecting poison and ripping apart prey and meat. 


By Myla, Clancy, Bea and Ivy

Library News

PBS News

During Week 7, our class ROS Representatives had their first meeting. Their first task was helping to create some new visuals for our play areas around school. They were tasked with thinking about the expected behaviours of each area: keeping all students safe and showing respect to one another. 

They did a fantastic job of summing up how to show ROS behaviours at both Recess and Lunch time. Look out for the posters around school in the next few weeks! 

School Cross Country  

Chaplain's Chat



Evangeline Supra - Chaplain at White Gum Valley PS



Greetings White Gum Valley Primary School Community,


I hope you are having a wonderful week so far? 


I would like to share with you some information on the topic of resilience, in terms of facing challenges. In life, we will have times when we come across difficult situations or expectations. Sometimes the things we planned or wanted to happen won’t always go according to how we would hope and wish it to.  Its important to assist children in learning how to manage and cope with the different challenges that arise in our day-to-day life. This will help them to be able to learn to be more resilient. For example: the ability to self-regulate their emotions, be able to have a growth mindset, to admit that they need help, and the ability to be able to step back and try again. Being resilient does not mean having to be tough and not ask for help its simply, “the ability to adapt to difficult situations.” I have some information below that could be useful in supporting your child when facing challenges. The information below is from Big Life Journal website.

I also would like to share some photos of the Art Program that myself and Janet (a parent volunteer) have been running this term with a small group of Year 4 and 5 students. The images below are a few crafts that the students got to make and take home over the term. 


Have a great week and school holidays, from your Chappy! 

1. Practice listening when your child vents about

a problem.

2. Teach about the power of "YET" and model it for your child with your struggles. For example: "I can't do this YET." 

3. Encourage simple problem-solving skills.

"What would happen if...?"

4. Remind them of past struggles and accomplishments.

5. Know when to lend a hand. Has your child tried several different strategies and is still struggling? Offer help.

Attendance Matters

Congratulations to Mitchell in Year 2 for winning the Fortnightly Attendance Competition.

Room 6 won the Week 6 Class Competition and Room 3 won the Week 7 Class Competition. Well done everyone for staying well.


With the weather turning and the flu season being harsher than in recent reasons, we encourage all members of our community to practice good hygiene habits. We have shared with the students, what they can to not spread germs. You might find this useful when discussing this with your children.


e-Safety Commissioner

The eSafety Commissioner has gathered resources to support our First Nations families. Their Connecting Safely page describes ways in which technology use has changed the ways in which stories and knowledge are shared. The page also highlights ways in which you can take care when online. Resources such as videos and sound clips have been uploaded to provide additional support.


WGV Good Standing Policy