Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,


Our school is currently part of a bread bag recycling scheme and until the end of the term we are inviting families to drop off any plastic bread bags to a container outside the office.

Our goal is to collect 20 kilograms as the scheme is providing an incentive of sporting equipment based on the weight of the bags collected.

Other recycling initiatives that the school is engaged in include: 

Use of a FOGO bin to recycle Crunch and Sip waste along with food waste.

Cans and containers.

General recycling materials for our yellow topped bins.

Class and office paper recycling including coffee cups recycled separately.

Rainwater tanks for the collection of rainwater for our toilets.

Six kilowatts of solar panels.

Battery recycling.

Metals from old furniture and IT equipment are separated and recycled.


There is a Busy Bee to undertake weeding around the school on Saturday 17 June between 11:00am-2:00pm. If anyone has an hour or so to spare, you are most welcome to come along with your gloves to help out.


In Week 10, the school will have a number of activities based on different daily themes for Well Being Week. One of these is a Telethon sponsored program that we have secured called Bullying Zero. It is aimed at the Pre-Primary to Year 4 age group. This incursion will 



run out of the library and commences at 9:00am for P-2, 10:00am for Year 3 and 11:30am for Year 4. Parents are welcome to call in to have a look.


Some work to update Room 4, so it can be used for both Science and Art, is nearly complete. New flooring, sink and cupboards have been put in place. Furniture housed in the wet area of the senior block is now back in Room 4.


Thank you for supporting the year 6 fundraising team muffin sale on Thursday. Everything sold out during recess. Well done to the parents and students who put it together.


Please let reception know if you may still be interested in one of the two vacancies for our School Board. Information packs are available that outline the role. Current Board members are available to help with your queries. Daniel Gretton [Chair], Lee McIntosh, Teresa Matassa, Megan Hooper, Russell Nicholls, Kim Felton, Ellie Walker, Sam Tingle and Glenn Rondoni.


Thank you to the staff for their efforts in putting together the Semester One Reports. These will go out during Week Nine. Over several weeks staff have moderated work samples, testing and comments whilst assigning grades. 




Glenn Rondoni
