Religious Dimension


Sunday's Gospel                Matthew 9:36 

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus walked through the many towns and villages and was teaching in the synagogues.  Whilst he did this he healed many people and spread the good news of our faith.  It makes us wonder how Jesus felt with all that he saw around him. There were people who were non believers and had not opened their hearts to God. There were also people who were not faithful and judgmental.  Jesus would have seen many challenges amongst his people and yet it says in this gospel that he looked at his people with compassion.  Jesus said 'the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few'.  Jesus needed his disciples to be part of the mission of God and to be like shepherds so that they too can share the good works. This story reminds us to look at how we can strive to give people the grace and time they need, when they are going through challenges in life.  

Year Prep Assembly

Today our Prep students shared their class prayer which is a lovely reminder of the things we should be grateful for each day.  Harriet lead the prayer with the Sign of the Cross whilst all the preps read along together.  It is always a terrific way to commence our days with meditation and prayer.

Social Justice - St Vincent's Winter Appeal

Important Dates for our Confirmation Sacramental Program in Term 2

Confirmation Retreat DayFriday, 21 JulyChurch Hall and Coghlan Centre at St. John's Primary School
Sacrament of Confirmation

Sat, 12 August, 1.00pm 

(St John’s students and Parish Students) 

Sat, 12 August, 3.15pm (St James students) 

St John's Church

Wishing everyone a wonderful break and praying for health, peace and love to guide you and your families during this time, for a fresh return in Term 3.


Melinda Buscema