Team Kids

TeamKids is hiring Casual and Permanent Educators! So, whether you’re a teacher wanting to earn extra income during school holidays, a casual relief teacher looking for additional work, or a parent who is interested in some casual work, we want to hear from you! If you value flexibility and want to be part of an organisation dedicated to enriching children’s lives, then apply NOW!
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Scan the QR code on the poster or visit this link directly to apply:
There are some exciting changes taking place to Child Care Subsidy! From 10th of July 2023, most families will get more subsidy, and families previously not eligible for CCS will now get it! Soon you could be saving more money on your Before, After & School Holiday Care! CCS can cover up to 90% of your childcare cost, depending on your combined annual income, covering up to $530,000.
Getting accessed is easy, just follow a few steps and you’ll be making great savings! This means that families will be getting cheaper care, and even more families will have access to TeamKids. Now even more children will enjoy our epic clubs, events, fun zones, yummy food, friendly Educators and more!
A helpful video explaining the changes:
Child Care Subsidy Calculator: