Junior School (Y7-8)
7B Humanities - Ancient Chinese Coins |
Junior School Reminders | Junior School Contacts
Junior School (Y7-8)
7B Humanities - Ancient Chinese Coins |
Junior School Reminders | Junior School Contacts
We got lucky that Mr Batty brought in his ancient Chinese coins to show us. One of the coins was made out of bone marrow, which is from animals, and also an arrow tip. These were his oldest pieces and were from The Warring States. It was pretty cool how we got to see how the coins changed over time. We also found out some things about them like how the coins in The Warring States were made out of bones and how the materials used to make coins changed over the time periods. Also they had Chinese words on them which we couldn’t read. They were pretty fragile because it was a long time ago when they were used to pay for things in ancient China. The arrow tip was also pretty old so that meant it got dull over time. - Taylan B. (7B)
Diary use across the Junior School has improved greatly this term. Most students have their diaries in class and are reaping the benefits of recording due dates for assignments and tests, to be able to plan their homework and revision. It is also handy to record dates, excursions and sports events in the school diary. Could all parents please continue to encourage their students to utilise their diary.
In Junior School, laptops are required for every subject and assignments are accessible through Google Classroom. Could parents please ensure that there is a regular routine at home for charging laptops and checking the completion of Learning Tasks both on Google Classrooms and Compass. Please email the Junior School Team if assistance is required.
There are two subjects that have unique equipment requirements:
PE and PASE classes require a full Cheltenham Secondary College PE uniform, to be brought to school in a separate (named) bag. Students will change into and out of their PE uniform at the beginning and end of their scheduled PE and PASE classes. Students need to bring a note if they are not in uniform for these classes. As per our regular uniform requirements, students without a note, and out of uniform, will accrue ‘out of uniform’ points which do accumulate to an afterschool
detention (to be scheduled on Compass.) Please remind your children to check their timetable the evening before, and pack their PE uniform into their school bag.
Food Technology requires students to bring two tea towels and a food container to every practical lesson, to be able to participate. Please remind your children to check their timetable the evening before and pack the equipment into their school bag. Footwear is limited to hard leather school shoes in the Food Tech kitchens (to protect against scading/burning by hot liquid spills, and possible injury if a sharp knife is dropped.) Black runners are not acceptable.
Please contact us if you have any concerns about your young person at school.
Naomi O'Brien-D'Ambra Linda Palermo
Junior and Middle School Director Coordinator
obr@cheltsec.vic.edu.au pal@cheltsec.vic.edu.au
Ainslie Samec