Acting Principal's Report

Mr Michael Tuck

Report from Westall Acting Principal June 2023


Dear Westall Secondary College Community,


I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the staff, students and the wider Westall community during term 2.  I have been struck by the warmth and character of the school and the care shown for each other and the physical environment each day.  Thank you very much to the staff and students for so kindly sharing your school with me for this term.


The capital works project is continuing to take shape.  The weather has not been favourable, but progress has been steady on the new building. It has been exciting to see the structure take form with framing almost complete. The roof will hopefully be in place by the end of the term break which will mean the impact from bad weather is reduced. 


The goal posts for the field are on site and we are waiting for the ground to dry a little more before the posts are installed.  This is still on track for our students to resume access to the field in Term 3.


Middle school camp was held at Camp Rumbug 5 – 7 June.  This was a great experience for all involved with feedback very positive. Student behaviour was very good and staff reported a positive learning experience was had by all.  Thanks especially to the staff in attendance.


Congratulations to our VCE and VCE VM students who completed the General Achievement Test (GAT) on 15 June.  This is sat by all students in their final year of schooling and by any student not in their final year but completing a unit 3/4 subject.   The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level.  It is the first of the externally assessed examinations students in a year and it was pleasing to see students well organised and approaching these with purpose. 


Year 10 students are currently out on work experience.  Work experience is an amazing learning opportunity and my thanks to the staff who have led the organisation of student placements.  This is a huge undertaking but well worth it to broaden the horizons of our students.  I trust students are enjoying the week away from school and gaining important insight to the world of work.


It was a pleasure to address our graduating Westall English Language Centre (WELC) students this week.  We are very proud of these students who have shown great persistence and hard work to successfully meet the outcomes to graduate from WELC.  I really do admire the students for the way in which they meet the challenge of immersing themselves in the learning of the English language and Victorian education system.  We wish them all best in their further studies, whether they be staying with us or venturing to a new secondary college and I hope they look back at their time in WELC fondly.


I’d like to wish everyone all the best for the remainder of the year and I hope staff and students enjoy a well-earned break over the holidays.  Thank you again to the Westall Secondary College community for the support during this term.  I have learnt a lot from my experience here and look forward to hearing about the success of the school in the future.


Mr Michael Tuck

Acting Principal, Westall Secondary College