From the Principal

Dear families,
Thank you for a great Term 2. It has been wonderful to see the growth in learning in all of our year levels this Term and as we come out of the cold snap in Term 3 we hope to see an improvement in attendance levels which will support students in their learning even more.
This term has seen the start of the Preschool Stay and Play sessions for our littlest learners who are about to start Preschool in July and at the other end of the school staff and students have been involved in come work with Woodville High School over transition into High School to support continuity of learning and wellbeing.
Debating and the community basketball competition at St.Clair have provided extra curricular learning outside of school as well as school curriculum being enriched with Reconciliation Week incursion sessions by Trent Hill, Aerokids gymnastics and a knockout soccer competition.
Staff have been involved in professional learning around the new assessments for Reading, as well as updates of First Aid Training and leadership learning.
Reports will be sent home with students on Thursday with a Casual Day (Gold coin donation please) on Friday with early dismissal at 2pm. As a school community we wish you all a safe and happy holiday break and look forward to welcoming you all back on 24th July -swimming week!
Save the date!
Week 1: Monday 24th July - Friday 28th July: Swimming for Rec to Year 5
Weeks 2 - 4 : Life Education program for Years 5 and 6
Week 3: Wednesday 9th August SAPSASA Basketball, Thursday 10th August Debating
Week 5: Monday 21st August to Friday 25th August Book Week
Week 6: Tuesday 29th August and Thursday 31st August Preschool Health Checks
Thursday 31st August Debating
Friday1st September Student Free Day
Week 7: Monday 4th September School Closure Day
Week 8: Progressive Achievement Tests (Reading) begin