From Principal Team

Dear Lakes Parents & Carers


Just an end of the week message to say a big thank you and well done to everyone in our community for the way our school (staff, students and parents / carers) has handled everything during this very challenging time.  It is great to be part of such a supportive, considerate, involved and caring school community.


A special thank you to our staff team who have been outstanding in the way they have helped to keep things as calm and normal as possible for our students.


As the week progressed we had increased numbers of students staying home. This was up to 307 today out of our 758 students across Prep-10. Whilst our school will remain open in the last week of term,  I will continue to update you with any further information as it arrives.  We also respect the choices parents are making and expect that more students may stay at home next week as well. 


I am pleased to announce that our school has received additional funding for cleaning.  We have contacted our school cleaning company today and have organised for increased disinfectant and detailed cleaning of toilets, washbasins, soap dispensers, all entry and exit points, door handles and knobs, drinking troughs and shared surfaces including chairs and desks.  This will commence today and continue for next week.


We will continue to stay positive, adapt and work our way through whatever happens next week and beyond.


Enjoy the weekend – and silver lining is the additional family time we have now that sports and other activities have ceased for the time being!



Kerrie, Bill and Marcus