Out of Orbit
Year 5 students have been uncovering the secrets of how the Sun, Earth and Moon move. Here's how they went about debunking myths:
In Inquiry, I made an orrery. This is a model to show how I thought the Earth, Sun and Moon moved in relation to one another. I thought that the Moon circled the Earth and the Earth circled the Sun, so in a small group with my friends, we made our orrery to explain our claim. As we made our model and completed research to check if our claim was correct, we discovered that the Earth also rotates on its axis. This was a fun and interesting unit as we could make the models any way we wanted with the resources we had available.
Paige 5A
In Inquiry this term, we were learning about Earth and the Sun. I learnt that the Earth orbits the Sun, while the Moon orbits the Earth. We had to prove our claims about how the Sun, Earth and Moon moved around each other by creating an orrery to show the movement. We completed some research and investigated ways to make an orrery, which is a model that shows how things in our Solar System move. When we were finished we presented our ideas and orrery to our whole class.
Karthika 5A
In Inquiry for Term Two, the Year 5s have been learning about a topic called ‘Out of Orbit. We’ve created orreries to represent how the Moon orbits the Earth, while the Earth orbits the Sun in our Solar System. We then presented our projects and got marked on them. We used lots of materials and had a fantastic time working in our teams.
Abbey & Kudzi 5B