Visual Arts


Our Foundation classes have continued to build on their fine motor skills, creating beautiful hats. We have also been inspired by picture story books, ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Spike the Hedgehog who lost his Prickles’, to create colourful paintings.

Year 1 & 2

The students in Years 1 and 2 have expanded their modelling skills, explored how plasticine is used for claymation movies and picture story book illustration. They used plasticine to create wonderful 3D models. Year 1 students then designed a diorama for their model, while Year 2 students worked collaboratively with a partner to make a plasticine backdrop for their models.

Year 3 & 4

The students in Years 3 and 4 have been exploring paper construction and collage. Students have transformed paper into 3D cone creations, been challenged to use torn and cut paper to create interesting collages and birds inspired by the Victorian graphic artist Pete Cromer. 


Have you noticed the artwork on display in the corridor near the office? Students have designed amazing artwork for the Toyota Dream Car competition and the Year 5 and 6 printwork is fantastic!