Art Showcase

Recycled Artwork Rewarded
On Wednesday's Assembly, Deputy Mayor Judi Smith visited Cowra High School and presented the students with their certificates, cheques and vouchers for their winning entries in the Recycled Art for Cowra Awards (RAFCA). The students from Year 7 to Year 11 and the school received cheques from $50 to $300. Thank you to Ms Chant and Miss Vaughan for their efforts in creating the works with the students and thank you to Deputy Mayor Smith for coming and presenting them.
First place went to a selection of students from the Support Unit from Ms Chant’s class, who created 'Fireworks at 7pm' - Leo Wright, Jayden Traves, Daniel Watson, Jayden S Brown, Lachlan Emerson and Lachlan Stuhlfauth.
Second place went to a selection of students from Year 7 and 8-6, a group effort of mainstream and support students from Miss Vaughan’s classes, who created a 'Map of Cowra Show' - Craig Johnson, Tara Trindall, Corey Beath, Lleyton Edenborough, Chloe Stevenson, Tiffany Bartolo, Abby Wilson, Hannah Brown, Alex Shaw, Sarah Richardson and Bella Mitchell.
Third place went to a mix of students from Miss Vaughan’s 8-6 and 7-2 classes who created a series of 'Food Sculptures' - Lawson Spratt, Joel Diamond Squires, Kara Hinderager, Lucy Murray, Taylah Rowan, Kylie Adrichem, John Horne and Makenzie Felton.
Highly commended in the group category went to a selection of boys from 7-2, who created 'Dodgem Cars' - Mitchell Pattingale, Daniel Britten, Chris Brown and Clayton Hayes.
Year 12 Artworks marked
Earlier this term Year 12 had their HSC works marked. Here are their works. Congratulations to you all for the fabulous work you have produced.