Assistant Principal's Report

Student Reporting

Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parents will have been notified about parent-teacher interviews via an email alert last week. These will be held next Wednesday afternoon and evening as a formal date, however, times are always able to be made to speak to your classroom teacher. These have been moved to the end of Term 1 so that teachers and parents are able to have a meaningful discussion around the Term 1 learning of each student and we would like all of our families to engage with this formal reporting opportunity. 


To make a booking, log in Compass and click on the 'Community' tab, (the two people) at the top of your home screen and select Conferences and then follow the links through 'My Bookings' 


Written Reports

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing families with accurate information on your child's progress, we have been undertaking a lot of work to improve our end of Term 2 and 4 written reports.


In 2018 we sought feedback from families about our current reporting and the feedback was clear in that while it was appreciated the amount of time that went into the reports, they were not particularly clear or ' parent-friendly' in their wording or format. 


At the end of Term 2, our new reports will be sent out, in an easier to read format. These new reports will contain skills and understandings listed, with your child's competency marked next to each skill. As a staff, we have been working on these lists for the past few months and we are now at the point where we are seeking feedback on the 'parent friendliness' of these. I am seeking parents who would be happy to have a read of some or all of the skills lists for each level in Literacy and Numeracy. It is not a large task as the main objective is providing feedback on words or phrases that are not easily understood by non-teachers. There are two sets of lists, one each for Literacy and Numeracy, with about 7 pages in each set. 


If you are willing to be sent one or both sets to take a look over and provide us with feedback please email me: or pop and in see me and I can provide you with a hard copy.