Sports Report

Sporting Schools Grant


We have received information regarding our Sporting Schools Grant. It has been clarified by the CSO that we are allowed to take students to the pool as part of our PDH/PE Curriculum.


A permission note was added to Compass last week for consent and payment. If you need a printed copy of the permission note or to pay cash, please contact Robyn in the office.


K-6 students will be participating in Swimming Skill Development each Wednesday from 10th November for 5 weeks at a cost of $2 per student. We ask that a lump sum of $10 is paid per student on Compass when consenting to minimise handling of cash.


We have organised a 4-day Water Awareness Program for students in K-2 which will be held from Monday 22nd November to Thursday 25th November. The school will be paying for the entry for these children for 3 days, unless you have a season ticket.


Please ensure that child DO NOT wear their swimmers to school and ensure that all clothing is labelled. 


If consent has not been received by the due date: Monday 8th November, your child will stay at school during this time.


Please read your note on Compass for further details.