Outside the Classroom

Meet Matt
Matt is joining Ramsey & Robbie in helping staff and students with all their IT needs. Matt will be here every Wednesday, and every second Friday.
Dia De Los Muertos
On Thursday 3 November, Year 7 students at CHS got to participate in a very different Day of the Dead festival to previous years. Students dressed up Day of the Dead style by painting their faces, wearing bright colours and formal dress. To celebrate the important Mesoamerican holiday, students completed a variety of different activities including a break out room, mask making, trivia, biscuit decorating and a Language Perfect competition. A huge congratulations also to our taco party winner, Joel from 7D and to Douglas from 7I who won first place in the trivia.
Mexican lunch special
Mask Making
Sugar skull decorating
Jess Griffiths & the Spanish Team
What a wonderful range of delicious and healthy food we have available at the cafe! Don't forget to check out the daily specials too.
Halloween at CHS is always a fun day, it's great to see so many staff and students getting in on the fun and dressing up. Take a look at the banner photo above, go staff!
Our favourite CHS Library Halloween tradition of pumpkin carving with Dianna was once again a well attended success, take a look at some of the creations that went home below (and a spooky fruit friends photo for inspiration!)
Coburg Collective Cafe
This month saw the soft opening of a new Cafe Collective here at CHS. With the motto "for the students, by the students" Emma-Jane Hogan and her dedicated crew of cooks and servers gave the CHS community a beautiful lunch time of great food, music, and ambience. The weather was perfect and the food has us eager for the next opening!
Exciting news from the library this month! The Book Bingo challenge which ran for a number of months has finally ended and I am so pleased to announce that we did indeed raise enough funds to purchase a beautiful family sized therapy pod for the library along with a bunch of new books for the library collection. What an amazing achievement by our dedicated Book Bingoers. I am extremely proud of the dedication to the fundraiser by you all.
On Monday 29th November the library will be hosting its biannual Big Booksale where all books will be priced at $1. This is a great opportunity to pick up some great titles for the school holidays coming up very soon. I would like to give a huge thanks as well to all of those parents of students at the school for the very generous book donations towards the sale as well. There are some real treasures in there which I am positive will be scooped up within seconds of the sale starting.
The monthly Library Trivia Master for November was the Banned Books edition. Now this was a very tough one to complete. So, to all who handed back their answer sheets with their best attempts, congratulations for giving it a go. We did get a winner though who answered twelve out of the fifteen questions correctly. I must say that this student has consistently handed in near perfect entries every month. So, there is no surprise when I say congratulations Deborah P of year 9. You have won again. What an amazing feat! The challenge now to the rest of the student body is to try and get in a win against this champion in 2022. Again, congratulations Deborah on your win.
Until next time, happy and joyous reading from your library!
Dianna Jarnet