In the Classroom

Year 7 Spanish
Year 7s have been studying Mexican food and were lucky enough to have a practical class making guacamole! The unit will finish with the students writing and preparing their own recipes.
Year 7 Mandarin
Settling back into onsite schooling with a version of 'colour by numbers', Year 7-9 Mandarin students practised their Chinese character recognition of colours and learned fun sports like Shuttlecock kicking.
Hello All!
Despite lockdown we have been very busy in science, during lockdown which seems like a lifetime ago now! Elowen, our In2science Tutor from Melbourne University, set a challenge for 7E to select a cake they would like her to make related to our topic of space science. 7E chose the moon and here are the results of her cake – so impressive !!!!
See as well photos of our fabulous and amazing students on their first science lessons after lockdown! Fantastic enthusiasm & what wonderful news that students were back in class – we all at Coburg missed our students so much!
A sad farewell also to our wonderful year 12 chemists! Who have spent most of their VCE years in lockdown. I managed to surprise them with a farewell party & a few tears were shed. We wish them all the best on the next journey of their lives!
Lakshmi Sharma
Year 9 Food Tech
Year 9s have not let lockdown slow their cooking down, they've been baking and cooking all the way through with Olivia Stray and the team. Here are some of their delightful creations: