Community Connections

Over the last two weeks around 20 students have volunteered their time to connect virtually with residents in an Aged Care setting in Melbourne. We have had really positive feedback from the facility who have told us that it has really encouraged residents to come out of their shells and that they continued to have great chats together after the session ended. We look forward to connecting with them again. 


Ruby Mason has shared her experience from the session below. 


Ruby Mason
Ruby Mason

On Wednesday 20 October, I had the privilege of speaking to a few members of the Langwarrin Aged Care. Four lovely women joined us on a zoom call and we all introduced ourselves and asked some questions that we had prepared. Their answers were funny and insightful and gave us an idea of what their lives were like and tips on how we should live ours. Many humorous questions were asked like "what has been your most embarrassing memory?" as well as "what is your greatest memory from your childhood?" I couldn't believe the stories that they told and some of the amusing responses, such as "tripping over the tram lines in the city, in five-inch heels!".


I decided to join this community connections program because I love to speak to older people, to see what their lives were like and to get some ideas of what I can incorporate into mine. Some take-away messages that I got from this video chat with them is to live your life to the fullest and don't care about what others say about you because it will just bring you down. Being able to have a connection and talk to them through this program was enjoyable and very rewarding, I learnt a lot. I had an amazing time and I can’t wait for our next session with them.

Ruby Mason