Teaching & Learning Supports 

We are excited to have our students return to onsite learning. As we begin our staggered return, we know that students will be experiencing a mix of emotions. There may be excitement at the prospect of seeing friends and teachers, while others may need support in transitioning back to the routine of onsite learning. 


The following supports are in place to assist students with their transition: 

GOAL Group

Additional GOAL group sessions will take place this week. Students will have an opportunity to re-connect with their peers and teachers and engage in different activities that focus on relationships, CORE values and making connections. 

Home Learning Support 

We understand that some students may require additional support with completing their Actions. We will be offering an additional home learning session on Thursdays. This means that home learning support will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays in BW1. Students can attend one or all sessions and bookings are NOT required. 


Students are encouraged to attend if they would like assistance with completing work or need a quiet place to study and work independently. 

Elevate Education (Year 10 Students)

Year 10 students will be participating in a study skills workshop with Elevate Education on Friday 29 October. The workshop will support students in preparation for their semester exams and support them to set up good study habits for the beginning of the BE program.

VCE Lunchtime Study Sessions

We will continue to provide a study space in BW1 for students completing a Unit 1&2 VCE subject. Students can access this space at lunchtime on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI)

Our tutors have continued to provide support to students during remote and flexible learning. Literacy and Numeracy tutor sessions run before and after school, during session times and at lunchtimes. Teachers will monitor student progress upon returning to school and additional testing will take place later in Term 4 to identify students for TLI support in 2022. 


CLICK HERE for additional Information regarding the TLI program.

Middle Years Literacy & Numeracy Support (MYLNS) 

Year 8 and 10 students who are part of the MYLNS program will continue to receive support. Ms Ford and Mr Ardi (replacing Ms Ghirardello) will contact students to organise onsite sessions. 

EAGLE (Literacy Support)

Our EAGLE program focuses on supporting students with decoding skills, fluency, and comprehension. EAGLE students will continue to attend their sessions as outlined on their Compass timetable. Sessions will resume in the EAGLE room when students are learning onsite. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s GOAL mentor if they would like child to be assessed for this program. 

IT Support 

Students and parents are reminded to log any IT issues via the IT helpdesk. A member of our IT team will contact students to assist.


Additional Education Support Staff 

We have advertised for an additional Education Support staff member who will commence later this term. The successful applicant will support students in learning teams. 

Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) – Maths and Reading Comprehension 

PAT testing will take place later this term for all students in Years 7-10. This data will support teachers to better understand students' learning progress and identify the strategies required to support students to achieve learning growth. 


Deb Kirk

Assistant Principal