This term we are working on RESPONSIBILITY 

and next week we are looking at




We quite often hear the word “rights”. So what are they? People talk about the right to an education or the right to vote.  Basically it means people are entitled to something and that those around them, or those in authority, should make sure they get what they are entitled to. 


In our school children have a number of important rights; 


  • The right to learn
  • The right to be safe 
  • The right to be respected 


It is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that these rights are respected.  How can you do that? Make sure that you help those around you learn by being a good learner yourself.  Concentrate on your work and spend your time productively in the classroom. In the playground play safely and look after those around you. Be friendly and this will help others feel safe. Respect all the people in our school. Think about how you behave with them. Are you courteous and friendly? 


Look after the rights of others and your rights will be looked after as well.