Opening Hours
Senior Library:
Monday to Friday: (for students in Years 5-12 only) 8.30pm to 4:30pm
(for students in Year 4) 8.30am to 3.45pm
Junior Library:
Students may borrow books after school if they bring a book bag and return the books they have finished reading. Please see staff in the Senior Library for access and loans.
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge (VPRC) is finished for this year. Thank you to all the participating students in Years 7 and 8. We had 69 students who met the Challenge. Congratulations!
Ten students who recorded the highest number of books read were each awarded a VPRC Champion lapel pin. These were Summer 8A, Annika 7H, Sidra 8A, Summer-Joy 8A, Kiana Moora 8A, Naomi 8A, Evan W 7H, Tim G 7H, Joshua T 7H and Youran W 8K. Well done to those students for a particularly fine effort.
The most popular series choices for the challenge were:
Wings of Fire and Ultimate Football Heroes (Year 7)
Seven signs and Ranger’s Apprentice (Year 8).
Thank you very much to the English Faculty - Mrs Wilks-Beasy, Mrs Cloete, Mrs Krishnan and Miss Rowe - for their support.
New Titles in the Library
The Library has some new titles ready for borrowing.
Year 5 up Fantasy and Accelerated Reader:
Tilly and the map of stories (Book 3)
The latest in the Pages & Co. series by Anna James
Tilly and her family, as well as her friend Oscar continue their efforts to prevent the Underwoods from expanding their control over the Bookwanderers. This time their journey takes them to America in search of the legendary Archivists. They encounter new dangers and meet up with old friends.
In the Year 9 and up Collection:
Finding God in the Story of Amazing Grace
by Kurt Bruner & Jim Ware.
This book traces how the grace of God transformed the lives of two men- John Newton and William Wilberforce- who then changed their world.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
the graphic novel adapted by John McDonald
This is the graphic version of William Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, a play in which there are a number of twists and turns in the course of true love.
The Orphan’s wish
by Melanie Dickerson
This is a retelling of the story of Aladdin. Aladdin moves from the Holy Land where he was born to an orphanage in Hagenheim. He meets the daughter of the patroness of the orphanage and their friendship begins. Then Aladdin leaves to seek his fortune.
Remote Storytime
The Library staff would like to thank all the families who participated in our lunch story times during lockdown. We loved seeing you and hearing what you have been doing. We hope that you enjoyed the stories and look forward to seeing you when your classes visit the library again.
Here are two of the stories we read this term.
You may like to borrow them to read again. We will also have some new titles available.
Lynne Marks, Anita Little, Wai Peng Heath
Library Staff