Primary Music back together at last!
After such a long time online, we FINALLY got to spend time together - playing music, laughing together, and the Year 4s even celebrated their return to school with a photo booth (Raining Taco's style of course)!
Micro and Mini Vox are BACK in person too - so we have had LOTS of musical fun together!
Rachel Ranger
Primary Music Teacher
Virtual Instrumental Concert Series
Thank you to all of the students who participated in the Virtual Instrumental Concert Series!
Just like last year, this was quite a challenging time for our instrumental music students. One of the greatest joys about learning an instrument is being able to perform to family and friends. While admittedly a virtual concert is not quite the same as a live audience. I hope that all students enjoyed the opportunity to showcase their talents and gifts to the wider school community through these videos.
We put together a series of 4 concerts showcasing the various instruments students are studying at St Andrews. Within these videos you could see a wide range of student progress. Some students have only been learning for a few weeks while others are working on putting their pieces together for VCE Music Performance. One of the things about these concerts was seeing all students come together under a common theme of glorifying the Lord through their performance.
I would also like to thank a few people who helped put this instrumental concert together. Firstly our wonderful instrumental music teachers for helping in preparing students for this concert. Secondly, Evan Hughes and Peter Friend have done an amazing job editing all of the videos to be ready for the concerts. Finally a big thank you to Michelle Perera for putting all of the concert programs together.
I would like to finish with a bible verse that has been central to the performing arts team this year.
Sing to him a new song; play skilfully, and shout for joy.
Psalm 33:3
Luke Batty
Head of Performing Arts
2022 Concert Band Scholarship Applications - Now Open!
We welcome applications for a place in our Concert Band Scholarship Program from students in that will be Years 3 - 6 in 2022. The instruments on offer are traditional Concert Band instruments – trumpet, trombone, saxophone, flute and clarinet – and students should be starting this instrument as a complete beginner.
The number of places available for 2022 is limited so we will prioritise Scholarship tuition for students who submit the strongest application, particularly for those who have a proven level of musical commitment to the College through ensemble participation, or those who already learn piano inside or outside the College.
For more further information, please refer to the Concert Band Scholarship Application Pack (attached below) or go the Instrumental Music Homepage on the Hub.
Applications Close: Friday 5th November, 2021
Michelle Perera
Performing Arts Administrator
2022 Instrument Tuition enrolment
The St Andrews Instrumental Music program comprises both Instrument and Ensemble tuition, and offers various performance opportunities. As there are important skills to learn & develop through both individual and group tuition, it is expected that all students receiving Instrument tuition are also involved in an Ensemble.
Our specialist Instrumental Music staff offer private tuition in orchestral, concert, and contemporary band instruments, as well as Voice and Music Theory lessons.
In 2022, St Andrews will offer tuition for the following instruments:
Piano Drums Violin Cello
Voice Guitar Bass Guitar Ukulele
Trumpet Trombone Tuba Euphonium
Saxophone Flute Clarinet
Enrolment for private instrumental tuition in 2022 is now available. Please find attached the 2022 Instrument Tuition enrolment form which includes the Instrumental Music Policy.
As many of our instrument teachers are at capacity for their availability, enrolments will be considered on a ‘first come - first served’ basis, so to avoid missing out please send us your enrolment form as soon possible.
For more further information, please refer to the Instrumental Music Homepage on the Hub.
Michelle Perera
Performing Arts Administrator