Primary Wellbeing Day
We finished off Term 3 with an amazing day of fun for our students! The day was filled with cooking, Kahoot quizzes, dance parties, arts & crafts, STEM projects and much more! Monty Mouse even made a special visit.
We were very excited to break our St Andrews record and have almost 400 students on Zoom at one time for morning “Devotions in PJ’s!”.
It was a lovely way to finish off a tough term to roll into the School Holiday break!
Welcome Back to School Joy!
This last week has held great joy, welcoming back most of our students has been so wonderful! We can’t wait till we have everyone here. I tried to have some catch up chats to several Prep students on the first day of school but they were just too busy running and playing to stand and talk, a good problem to have.
One of the Year 2 students let out a massive sigh “I’ve just waited my whole life for this. I didn’t think this day would ever come!”
For me personally, with the joy has come some sadness as my last child left Year 12. Both my amazing children Emilie and Evan have been at St Andrews for all their schooling and completed Year 12 in 2020 and now 2021.
As parents, my husband and I have been so blessed by the community, the staff, the love and the faith foundation that this amazing College has provided for our children. I spend much of last week having a quiet cry in my office as I thought about the fact, I wouldn’t be seeing my son around anymore at school, I was struck by how incredibly grateful I am that both my children attended St Andrews Christian College.
May God bless you all as parents as you continue to guide your children and see them flourish at this College.
Yvonne Hughes
Head of Primary School
Preps - A Welcome Return!
On Monday 18th October we had Preps running from all directions to their classroom with great excitement for being back at school. I’m not sure who was more excited, the students or the teachers.
They settled back into “classroom life” seamlessly. We are looking forward to our final term of learning together in Prep.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
Preps Return to Special Visitors
The Preps were excited to return to school on Monday 18th October and even more excited, when some special “visitors” arrived.
“Henny Penny” delivered a huge play pen and an incubator containing 11 fertilised eggs. Looking closely inside the incubator, we saw 2 newly hatched chickens.
The children are loving this ‘hands on’ lesson about life cycles. Holding the chickens and filling in our daily “Chicken Diary” is lots of fun too!
Sonia Sires
Prep S Teacher
Flat Teacher Adventures!
Drawing inspiration from ‘Flat Stanley’, each Year 1 student got a flat version of their teacher to follow around with them during Online Learning.
Choosing from a range of activities, our Year 1s had to take their flat teacher along on their wacky and wonderful adventures. Flat Teacher Miss Nheu went to the park, listened to so many awesome stories, became Moana, got even more flattened by a glass cup and nearly got eaten by a few dogs!
We had so much fun with this activity!
Year 1 - Happy to be Back at School!
Gaye Jones & Natalie Nheu
Year 1 Teachers
Year 3's Amazing Virtual Camp
Year 3 students enjoyed some fun as they gathered online for a Virtual Camp. There were so many tents and even campfires it was a brilliant night! Highlights were Rachel playing music with a pencil and a glass of water, Mrs Hughes for cooking camp dinner with us and Mr Grant doing a fantastic devotion sharing an amazing session on astronomy.
The Year 3 Virtual Camp was really special and memorable and the kids had a blast!
Anthea Albertus, Joanne Edwards & Rebecca Elliott
Year 3 Teachers
Year 4 Poetry
Year 4 students wrote some fantastic poems during remote learning!
Haiku Poems
Peace by David Jesus has risen Peace and joy have come to earth Not a fear in sight
Trust by Jesh God is trustworthy Watching over everything I feel very safe
Tiger by Siqi Tiger in the grass Watching her prey, unaware Suddenly pouncing | Cinquain Poems
Lockdown by Ben Lockdown It is not fun I want to go to school You don’t get to see your best friends Homeschool
Teachers by Nikisha Teachers Are kind and fun They do care about us They check if we need help or not They’re great
Spring by Jiamiao Spring time Lots of flowers Blooming out of the grass I smell beautiful fragrances Blossoms
Autumn by Siqi Autumn Leaves falling down Rainbow leaves cover fields Leaving trees leafless all around Autumn | More Cinquain Poems
Family by Reeti Family kind, helpful laughing, hugging, chatting always there for you treasures
Mum by Hannah Mum Kind, helpful caring, loving, sharing always a special person family
Dad by Alexander Dad caring, loving encouraging, helping, playing he is the best father
Basketball by Jayden Basketball fun, exciting bouncing, shooting, scoring Jordan, Russell, Curry, Johnson B-ball |
Year 4 Virtual Camp
Year 4 enjoyed our online camp and were privileged to have Chef Jason make ice-cream sandwich biscuits with all the students. These were really enjoyed, some during our Movie, “Sing” and some before dinner. Biscuits were even eaten up to 3 days later.
We played online fun games in groups and 2 teams came a tie, so were rewarded with a hot chocolate and biscuit from our school canteen, Taste ‘n See.
Paige Cheung & Gail van Heerden
Year 4 Teachers
Year 5 Create Their Own Adventure
5L have been showing their literacy skills this term writing “Create Your Own Adventure” stories. They have shown incredible creativity and the ability to write to capture the reader’s attention and interest. They have also said “Goodbye” to Mrs Law who is due to have her baby soon and look forward to her visiting throughout the term. We wish Mrs. Law and her husband all the best as they welcome their baby.
Ben Sheahan
Year 5 Teacher
Last 6L Zoom Class Photo
6L thought it was only right that we take one last Zoom class photo. The conditions of the perfect zoom class photo shot were:
- Foreheads only
- Ceilings preferred
- No full faces in view
We are so glad to be learning back onsite and look forward to a wonderful end to 2021.
Melanie Lepileo
Year 6 Teacher
Creative Poetry by Year 6
6E students have shown their creative sides in our Poetry unit this term! It has been amazing to see them express themselves through writing a range of different poems including haikus, nonets, limericks and cinquains. Thank you to Benjamin Beng for writing this beautiful poem which reminds us of the peace that is available to us in Jesus.
Surpassing all our understanding
We cannot learn it or earn it
Earth can never provide it
Jesus will offer it
We will be grateful
He cares for us
Provides the
World with
Chelsea Edwards
Year 6 Teacher